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You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

The spring activities of “Spazio Famiglie 0-3” begin.

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(Image by Hibaron from Pixabay)

The first appointment is Tuesday, April 23

Projects are managed by teachers and specialized staff

Kasatinovo – spring activities of “Space for families 0-3“, the free space created at the headquarters of the La Colombina Association (Piazza Don G. Sala 2/B, Casatinovo) With materials for motor and expressive activities, games, books and more, to create opportunities for meeting, sharing, communication and play for families with preschool children..

The space, active every Tuesday from 10 to 12, is looked after under supervision Educators and specialized staffby a group of people with disabilities attending the Artimedia Social-Educational Center of the La Vecchia Quercia Social Cooperative.

“Let’s Begin Tuesday 23 April with ‘Materials in play“, a sensory discovery laboratory in which we learn to use the waste we can find at home for new playful experiences, and we discover that everyday objects that we often consider redundant, if not even disposable, have a wonderfully playful nature.” Comment on Members of the La Vecchia Quercia social cooperative.

May 7, 14 and 21Instead, it will be the turn of “Hey Mum, Look How I’m Growing and Having Fun”, a series of workshop meetings, always organized every Tuesday, and run by an experienced psychomotor therapist. From time to time, the topics of “Children’s Acting Fun – Discovery and Knowledge through Play”, “Movement and Play – Facilitating and Accompanying the Construction of One’s Identity”, “Children’s Indispensable Needs – How to Carry Out Fine Tasks” are presented. An educational mission by welcoming the child as unique and special.”

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to sharing At meetings, registration on a phone number is required 3450615320


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