The president wants to “make life impossible for drug dealers” and so he has spread 4000 additional agents And 22 additional judges to try the detainees very quickly. On the first day of the operation, which will last several weeks, the police entered forcefully into some sensitive neighborhoods such as Castellane, and arrested 98 people throughout the city.
Macron walked among the residents of Marseille, explaining to them, “We want to destroy trafficking networks and expel those who make your life impossible.” But the next day, Castellane returned to her normal life, or almostAnd the children stand around, screaming Brother (Alert) to warn merchants when the police arrive, and a paper appears near the elevator of a building: “To everyone who informs, hosts, or cooperates with the police: We will find out, we will find you, and no one else will.” Be able to do something for you. You know the rules.” Another notice, this time addressed to the wonderful customers, at the “coffee della Tour” (drug dealing point) in Castellane: “We are sorry for the disturbing situation today, the police have been there for a very long time, the café will welcome you tomorrow from 10 am ”
The public order situation in Marseille deteriorated after the outbreak A war between the two gangs that have shared the drug market for a long time: DZ Mafia (from Algeria, Algeria in Arabic) and Yoda (as a character star Wars).
A war that broke out almost by accident, after Mehdi Al-Araibi, known as Tik, the boss of the DZ Mafia, and Felix Bingy, known as Le Chat (the Cat), the boss of Yoda, met in a nightclub in Phuket, Thailand. Felix insulted Tick by pouring ice cubes on his head, and he exploded The battle did not stop in Phuket, but moved to MarseilleThere was also an innocent victim who ended up settling scores. She was a 24-year-old girl who was studying in her room on September 10 when she was hit by a barrage of Kalashnikov rifles.
Judge Nicola Besson speaks of “Mexican-style prison drift”, where smugglers dominate prison officers and order murders using 18-year-old hitmen hired for a few euros. The scenario was confirmed yesterday, when A top Marseille drug lord has challenged Macron by radioing from prison generalFrance information, with a theoretically banned cell phone, to give his opinion on “Operation Clean Purge XXL”: “We laughed a lot with the other inmates. Trafficking is run from here, in prison, you have no idea how much money is at risk. With the deployment of the police, there will only be more blood, because no one will give up his wealth.”