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You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Sarono, a student of Lecnani, won the scholarship in Canada

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Saronno – This year too Cry – International organization that promotes cultural and linguistic exchanges around the world – Provides one of the brightest and most deserving students Scholarship For school program abroad. This contribution is designed to reward the work they have done this year and facilitate their access to school programs. Martina Cattenio, L studentClassic ice “Stefano Maria Legnani” via Volonderio in Saronno Won one of the scholarships 1,000 euro value, Got by Wep to spend Semester Abroad. A contribution that Martina uses to pet In Canada.

The woman was selected based on the results of the interview interview based on her experience, accuracy, lack of time in filling out the participation document and linguistic ability she showed and prognosis. There Scholarship Wants to reward the best students by reducing the cost of the program.

Says the learner, Student Movement Contact Person: “For many years, we have been carefully supporting the international movement of students through specific orientation interviews. The choice to pursue study and training classes abroad is made with full awareness of all of this as students and their families invest in multiple nodes. Referring to the satisfaction of the news about the scholarship for the benefit of one of our students in the EsaBac curriculum, it is an important recognition of the merit of those who have invested in a training class, which, when commitment is required, opens further. There are a number of ways and international satisfaction who returns who carries it out”.

Like her, every year more than 1200 young people live with the cultural exchange experience with the web. Close contact with a different culture from them. For the entire period of their stay, in fact, the children are run by a family and follow courses at the local school. High school programs are a perfect opportunity to learn about the customs, habits, and customs of a country other than your own. Taking time abroad for young people is a real challenge, it requires adaptation and respect for the host country, and it allows for 360 ° development: personal, linguistic and cultural.

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