Home entertainment Actress X and Pearl were accused of assault on the set. Here's what happened

Actress X and Pearl were accused of assault on the set. Here's what happened

Actress X and Pearl were accused of assault on the set.  Here's what happened

Mia gothHe is famous for movies X: An exciting horror story And Pearl, He was Accused of assault On the set of his latest movie Maxinethe third chapter of the trilogy T Westwhich will complete the two titles previously mentioned.

The victim of the incident that occurred, according to prosecution documents, last April An extra named James Hunter. The man told the court he suffered a head injury after Guth hit him on the head – he said voluntarily – while filming a scene.

During the sequence, Hunter pretends to be dead and finds himself on the ground covered in fake blood. Mia Goth was supposed to run alongside him, pretend to bump into him, and then run away. According to the prosecution, during the first session Takes The actress stepped on it by accident. After Hunter's protests to the director, Guth did so Hit with a kick to the head.

After the incident, while the extra was in the bathroom due to dizziness, she entered to do so They mock him, mock him and insult him. The next day, production informed him of his dismissal, even though he had not completed his employment contract. So Hunter appealed Assault complaint And for Dismissal without just cause Against Mia Goth, director T West and Studio A24.

While waiting to know what the judge’s decision will be, we remind you of that, as well as in Maxinewe will be able to see the actress in it Frankenstein By Guillermo del Torothen to the Marvel universe with Bladesnext to Mahershala Ali.

source: Delivery time
Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images

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