Lost Fund Closed Activities and Online Application Form and Instructions. Applications must be submitted electronically to the Revenue Agency between December 2 and the December 21, 2021 deadline. This is determined by the November 29 ruling. Additional cost for discos.
Loss of closed assets of the fund, Online Model and the directions to submit requests.
Applications can be submitted electronically to the Revenue Agency within the listed time period Between the 2nd and the 21st of December, as specified by Judgment November 29, 2021.
All taxpayers who intend to request “Contribution to closed activities” and the “Disco Fee Contribution” Submitted by Sostegni edict bis.
The government measure has been allocated 140 million euros For activities that were also in 2021 Closed for at least 100 days Between January 1 and July 25, 2021.
Lost Fund Closed Activities, Form and Instructions: Applications from December 2 to 21, 2021
The missing box for closed activities in starting blocks.
with the Judgment November 29, 2021 The revenue agency agrees to Model and the directions to fill out the questions.
The application must be made electronically to the Financial Department Between December 2 and 21, 2021.
Judgment enforces judgmentsArticle 2 From the Sostegni bis decree, which allocated 140 million euros for the activities carried out Closed for at least 100 days Between January 1 and July 25, 2021.
to me discos, further support measures were provided by Article 11 of Decree-Law No. 105 of 2021, which stipulated the use of 20 million as a priority than those allocated under the Sostegni bis Decree.
There are two contributions that can be requested:
- Contribute closed activities;
- increase contribution discos.
The first is dedicated to economic entities that have activated purchase price before May 26, 2021 whose main activity resulting from the tax register as of May 26, 2021 is determined by ATECO . Codes 2007 included in Annex 1 of the Joint Ministerial Resolution.
The maximum contribution that can be requested varies according to Income and Bonus Segment for 2019:
- up to 400,000 euros The amount envisaged is 3 thousand euros;
- More than 400 thousand euros and up to 1,000,000 euros, the amount is expected to reach 7,500 euros;
- More than a million euros 12,000 euros.
The Increasing the contribution of discos It is instead intended for Economic Persons who have activated their VAT number on a date prior to July 23, 2021 and on that date carrying out the prevailing activity stipulated by ATECO 2007 Code 93.29.10They are discos, dance halls, night clubs and the like.
L ‘Maximum amount for each benefit of 25 thousand euros And measures are not substitutes.
Amounts will be credited to the account Bank or postal stream To the applicant, at the end of the application process.
- Revenue Agency – Provisions November 29 2021
- Definition of information content, methods and conditions for submitting an application for recognition of the grant referred to in Article 2 of the Legislative Decree issued on May 25, 2021, n. 73, converted, with some modifications, by the law of July 23, 2021, n. 106, and in Article 11 of the Legislative Decree of July 23, 2021, n. 105, Adapter, with Amendments, By Law of September 16, 2021, n. 126.
Non-reimbursable fund for closed activities: form, instructions and methods of application
With the November 29th savings, the Application form and the Assembly instructions.
- Revenue Agency – Approved Form November 29, 2021
- Application for recognition of a non-reimbursable grant to support closed economic activities.
- Revenue Agency – Instructions for filling out the approved form on November 29, 2021
- Application for recognition of a non-reimbursable grant to support closed economic activities. Application instructions.
In addition to the section on applicant identification data two parts Customized Requirements:
- The Additional cost for discosprovided for in Article 4, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Ministerial Decree;
- Contributions to closed activities, which are governed by Article 4, paragraph 1, letter b) of the Joint Ministerial Decree.
In addition, theare going to record the amounts.
The facility falls under State Aid, Section 3.1, and is granted in accordance with the Rules of temporary frame (Communication from the European Commission dated March 19, 2020 CE (2020) 1863 final “Provisional Framework for State Aid Measures to Support the Economy in the Current COVID-19 Emergency” and subsequent amendments).
The form includes sections to check the maximum amount of assistance envisaged Sections 3.1 and 3.12 subordinate temporary frame.
According to the applicable state aid department, the applicant must indicate, in the form of A declaration instead of a notary contract:
- possession Expected requirements;
- failed to pass Maximums;
- menu for get help (Table A);
- I Financial Tokens Of the persons belonging to the same company (Part B).
If disbursement of the amount exceeds the envisaged limit, a lower amount shall be indicated to allow compliance with the maximum ceiling.
Requests must be submitted electronically with the Services Enter Fiscoline Between December 2 and 21, 2021, usingspecial program Compatible with Technical Specifications attached to judgment.
The application can also be submitted through a authorized broker By an authorization to the tax drawer or by a specific authorization exclusively to make the application in connection with the contribution in question.
In case of errors in filling out the form, a New alternative app On the same date, i.e. December 21. By that date, it is also possible to file a waiver If the required contribution is not due.