Are cash payments no longer allowed? On this date, everything will change and people will have to get used to it as soon as possible.

In a world where everything is constantly changing, even the fight against tax evasion is an issue that must be taken seriously. In fact, it is The state does everything To make users pay by card or bank transfer, leaving cash.
today is merchants They are required to accept payments with traceable electronic tools so that everything can be verified. Of course, cash can still be used, but Italian citizens have already noticed many changes on the horizon and have found themselves having to pay using only these available tools. However, there is one Final farewell To critique: the novelty of that Confusing.
Fighting tax evasion between cards and bank transfers
It is an ongoing struggle by the state that is trying to put an end toTax evasion. The introduction of all controllable electronic systems is not only excellent in facilitating payments to citizens but also in controlling all the expenses made.

There is no doubt that for the order to be today, Invoices and receipts Along with receipts, it allows for optimum transit and checks by responsible agents. In addition, there are reports confirming the suspension of the final cash payment. Let’s try deepen the topic?

Goodbye cash payments: history and reasons
During the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, many processes were implemented to avoid infection, including advocating the use of debit/credit cards rather than cash. Not only that, there are few ATM machines Who want to close because many believe that it is better to manage all financial resources online or directly using a smartphone.
Slowly, the cash payment is disappearing more and more and even for a cappuccino at the bar you use with the card. According to national media, the Meloni government will continue to fight tax evasion and will try to invite Citizens to pay Through all the tools available.
Today, there are also payments via apps, which is why there is a decline in Asia and Africa in the use of Creditor and debtor . The team of analysts at GlobalData – the British analysis and consulting company – estimated that in 2030 there will be a cessation of cash. Added to all this is the expectation of an increase in the use of payment applications that are worth up to 140 thousand dollars.

American consulting firm McKinsey & Company, already in 2021 saw a huge rise in the digital payments market. Experts pointed out that the increase compound annual rate 20.5% in light of heavy use of mobile devices.
E-commerce, in this regard, promotes digital services in order to allow its users Pay in any way possible.