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You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Rai license, when the exemption is activated: here are all the cases

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Few things in Italy manage to get almost the entire population to agree to taxes, especially those that are impossible to “avoid”, such as the rai levy, which despite its name, constitutes a real tax, conceived and “provided” directly by the Italian state. It is a possession tax, which must be paid to all owners of televisions capable of “decoding” the antenna signal, and therefore ordinary television. Even if for years viewed as “voluntary” (hence the term fee which is considered inappropriate in all respects), it is absolutely fundamental to the financing of national service and also to the state coffers, which in turn “tax” these taxes.

So far, the Rai license costs €90, appropriately deferred in 10 installments of €9 each, and until the end of this year the TV tax will be linked to your electricity bills, i.e. your electricity bill. Of these €90, €16 end up in state coffers and the remaining 74 represent “actual gain” for public service. Even if it is within the reach of most Italians, the Rai fee is against a conceptual and “fundamental” issue, but also because the services available are not seen as worthy of some form of payment.

Rai license, when the exemption is activated: here are all the cases

There are various forms of exemption, that is, categories of people who may not pay the Rai license fee, by filling out a form available directly by the revenue agency. Over 75 with an annual income of less than 8000 euros, diplomatic agents, officials or consular officers, officials of international organizations or a non-Italian military person or civilians not residing in Italy, of non-Italian nationality, belonging to the NATO forces stationed in Italy They can request an exemption, but also those who do not have a TV. In this case, in addition to the above form, an alternative declaration form must be completed, and everything must be sent by registered letter to the Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate Office of Turin 1, SAT – TV Subscription Counter – Casella) or via PEC mail to cp22.sat or through the revenue agency portal.

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