LECCE – Learn Science and Technology, Discover Talent and Play. This is the goal of GO4STEM, a roving project for professional guidance in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) which stops, until June, at the Istituto Comprensivo “P. Stomio J. Zimbalo “lychee.
The project arrives in Lecce, thanks to the La Svolta association, to give boys and girls, boys and girls, the opportunity to discover hidden talents in work environments that are sometimes far from their imagination but are in demand in the labor market.
Go4Stem is open to children between the ages of 9 and 14 who may participate for free as class groups, with a teacher, or in informal groups. The course addresses five professional thematic areas: information technology and electronics. solar energy technologies; Visual Technologies Electronics Science and Cultural Heritage Preservation, developed in 15 experimental stations that provide possibility for male and female students to comprehend the phenomena of technology and science playfully through experimentation. At each station, young people receive information on various topics and interesting tasks to do. Each participant receives a set of hands-on station cards that analyze technical preferences and capabilities and provide various post-processing possibilities as well as career guidance.
Martina Gentile, President of the Association “La Svolta” explains that “The track changes location, but retains its purpose: to engage younger generations through science – and more generally – knowledge. Curiosity becomes the most powerful tool for innovation and engagement, according to the principles implemented by the Association I have the honor to represent. I thank the principal of the school “P. Stomio J. Zimbalo “From Lecce Maria Elisabetta Tundo and all the teachers and staff involved on our part in realizing this initiative.”
And with this initiative aimed at spreading science and the scientific method among our children – announces director Maria Elisabetta Tondo – We intend to continue to make the school an effective learning agency, which gives students the opportunity to grow by having stimuli and opportunities to experiment and gain more effective knowledge and skills for personal development.
IC Stomeo-Zimbalo continues to invest in a more expansive and innovative training offering, and I believe this is a source of pride for not only the entire neighborhood but the entire city community.”
The educational purpose that the Stomeo-Zimbalo Comprehensive Institute aims to achieve is to offer students the opportunity to be “successful” in life, making them aware of their abilities, interests, and desires through experiences that enrich their personal journey with an emphasis on the “offerings” of the area in which they live.
Principal Maria Elisabetta Tondo, Project Coordinator Professor Sabrina Gianotta and the entire team of teachers aim to encourage this type of attitude by allowing their students to experiment and take risks during educational activities.
“To accompany the school in its digital transformation, as envisaged by the School Plan 4.0 – explains Professor Tondo – it is necessary” first of all “to teach children the power of technology and innovation, which they must deal with proactively without fear”.
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ODA tipping pointSorbo Social Promotion Association, active throughout the district and district of Lecce, is responsible for planning and implementing activities and services aimed at empowerment and informed guidance, together with the school, families and the world of work, with particular attention to boys and girls. Girls, boys and girls at risk of dropping out of school. The association intervenes in both scholastic and extracurricular contexts and is partner of the Or.Co Digitsys project – Conscious and Systematic Guidance in the Digital Age, a multi-regional project for Puglia and Basilicata, selected and funded by Con i Bambini with New Generations Appeal within the scope of the Fund to Fight Child Poverty educational. The responsible entity is the NOVA National Consortium for Social Innovation.
GO4STEM It is a project from before StartNet Born in Italian Goethe Institutewhich has been promoted by GOVET (German Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training) and BMBF (Ministry of Education and Research of Germany), in collaboration with Life – Bildung Umwelt Chancengleichheit eV Berlin.
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