Imagine that you are sleeping in your bed, and when a roar wakes you up, when you open your eyes, this is the scene that appears in front of you.
It happened a few days ago to 66-year-old Ruth Hamilton, one of 3,700 people living in Golden City, Canada. It was 11:35 at night and the meteorite weighing 1.27 kg broke the roof and fell on her bed. A few inches away, the Space Fortress will strike it.
This is not the first time the meteorite has violently entered someone’s home. This is a very rare occurrence, but there are recorded cases. Last in Indonesia in 2020: A meteorite weighing 2 kg broke the roof of an artisan. The meteorite that broke the living room of the Connecticut house in 1982 and rolled into the dining room was even larger (2.7 kg).
The only case in which a person was physically assaulted by a meteorite dates back to 1954: on November 30, at 6:46 pm, Ann Elizabeth Hodges was resting on her sofa when a meteorite struck her on the left. The rock broke the roof of his house in Oak Glove, Alabama. This meteorite was later called the “Hodges meteorite”.
These are not just news that strikes a collective imagination: it is one of the reasons why it is important to expand and enrich surveillance programs around the world.