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Cissy, Michelle, Luigi, Alex, Alp and Serena reach the final!

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The six finalists for the 21st edition of Amici 21 have been revealed.

The development of the scene in the evening of friends. During the semi-finals, they were well announced Six contestants in the twenty-first edition Six And not five as scheduled. The only disciple forced to leave school is one step away from him the last It was Dancer Dario Chiron.

The six finalists for Amici 21, outside Dario Chirone

there semi-finals from Friends 21 opinion Elimination of Dario Chiron. there Jurycomposed by Stefano Di Martino, Stash Fiordespino and Emanuel Filiberto di Savoia decided to send In the final with Sissi, Michel Esposito and Luigi Strangis also Alex, Albe and Serena Carella. The news was revealed as always by Maria De Filippi, who invited Alex first into the studio and then dancer Veronica Piparini, who was left out:

Alex how are you I was very upset tonight. Can you make me smile? Let’s see the LED together come on! You are in the final! There were no doubts on the part of the jury. I am proud of you. You can go home Alex.

Dario, I don’t want to wander around too much. You are not in the final. I hope you are happy with the path you took and that you believe in what you are doing. Unfortunately, these are the places. I know you care a lot, I’m sorry!

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to finish de Filippi called into the studio Serena and Alps. To everyone’s surprise, dancer Raimondo Todaro and singer Anna Pettinelli got the same votes from the jury and flew by. Both are in the final:

Then Alex took the jersey, the fourth final. Dario did not take it. I’ve received the same votes. You get to choose who you send to the final…. I’m kidding you guys! Go to the final both players. Maybe you were a real knight. it was a joke!

Find out the latest news on friends.

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