Home Economy But the companies did not find the required profiles – Corriere.it

But the companies did not find the required profiles – Corriere.it

But the companies did not find the required profiles – Corriere.it

Despite the slowdown in the economy, companies had more than 444,000 employees scheduled in May, according to the regular Excelsior survey, conducted by Unioncamere and Anpal, which shows employment prospects for companies. Of course, the post-war crisis in Ukraine slowed hiring plans, particularly in certain sectors. In manufacturing companies, the number of wanted persons decreased by 4.4% compared to April (-3 thousand) and by 18.8% compared to May 2021 (-15 thousand). Construction is also poor, both in the previous month (-0.9%) and even over a year ago (-27.5%). On the other hand, services grew: +30.2% in April (almost 80 thousand) and +31.5% (+82 thousand) in May 2021, mainly driven by the recovery of the tourism sector.

There are no candidates

The survey confirms the great mismatch between supply and demand for work: 38.3% of the needed workers are difficult to find, especially due to the lack of candidates. The industry as a whole is looking for 99,000 professional profiles, of which 66,000 are employed in manufacturing and 33,000 are in construction. The greatest opportunities are presented by mechatronics companies (17 thousand scheduled admissions), followed by mineral and mineral products (14 thousand) and finally food, beverages and tobacco companies (11 thousand). The job opportunities offered by the service sector are much higher, with 345,000 scheduled entries. The accommodation, restaurants and tourism services sector is the most in demand, with approximately 105,000 scheduled entries. Followed by services for individuals (67,000) and support services for companies and individuals (56,000). The trend was also positive for trade and ICT, with approximately 52,000 and 15,000 appointments expected, respectively.

More than half of futures contracts

Many appoint, but mostly on a fixed-term basis. Fixed-term contracts, comprising 246 thousand units, equivalent to 55.5% of the total number of assignments envisaged, were confirmed as the most popular type proposed. This is followed by permanent contracts (76,000), administrative contracts (49,000), non-employee contracts (28,000), apprenticeships contracts (23,000), other forms of employment contracts (15,000) and cooperation contracts (6 thousand).

There is a shortage of mathematicians, technicians, and blacksmiths

Companies continue to find it difficult to find the profiles you are looking for: 38.3% of professional figures are difficult to find, an increase of 7.4 percentage points compared to May 2021. Metal and product industries face the biggest metallic difficulties (52.6% of metallurgical industries). Difficult to find required profiles). It is followed by the wood and furniture industry (50.4%), mechatronics, ICT services (49.2% for both), and the textile, clothing and footwear industries (47.4%). Among the most difficult profiles to find are: Mathematical, Computing and Scientific Professionals (55.3% of applications are difficult to cover), engineers in the engineering field (56%) and health technicians (56.5%), and social and health professions. (50.1%), beauticians (58%), as well as skilled workers such as blacksmiths and tool makers (67.2%), craftsmen and specialty textile and clothing workers (65.7%), founders and welders (65.1%) mechanics, mechanics, repairers and maintenance of stationary machinery and mobile (62.2%). Firms in the Northeast regions (42.0% of the requested figures) face the greatest difficulties, followed by businesses in the Northwest (41.1%), Central (36.3%), and South and Islands (34, 8%).


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