Home Economy Shock generation increases in bills. Here’s the next bite

Shock generation increases in bills. Here’s the next bite

Shock generation increases in bills.  Here’s the next bite

worst on Invoices subordinate Gas It won’t be long: we’re entering the “hot” period of consumption (from early November the heaters will be running) and the estimates for the 2022/2023 season are getting bleaker. On a daily basis, in fact, the expenses that will then make up the total cost can range from €44 in Turin to €36 in Rome to end with €27 in Palermo. It is clear that the number is considered Al day, within 24 hours. It is clear that if the Ecco . estimates (Italian think thanks to the climate) It will be correct, it will be possible to spend up to 1100 euros for studio apartments, 2073 euros for houses of 70 square meters and a family of 2-3 people and up to 3175 euros for houses of 110 square meters and a family of 4- 5 people.

The ugly price is going up

As we saw on Giornale.it, if until the end of the year the average family is going to spend about 1,322 on electricity bills, we don’t really know what awaits us in dear gas Yes really. From north to south, the difference will make a huge difference due to the climate: the colder it is, the higher the costs. “If in January 2021 the Milanese family spends about 7 euros per day on heating their 70-square-meter house, this winter they will spend 21 euros, despite government interventions. triple”, write Ecco experts. In practice, in September 2019, prices per megawatt-hour were 13 euros, now they are stabilizing at around 80 euros, but after peaking at 180 and 200 euros, this is crazy.

“Lots of variables at play”

Estimates aren’t certain, also because we’ll have very little certainty for next winter: that’s the thought Matthew Leonardoco-founder and CEO of Ecco National Policies, who printing explained that “There are many variables involved” Is that “The economic effort for families and businesses will be huge, regardless of public supportLeonardo knows himself.Definitely disturbingStudy numbers.

The trick to saving

Class G is one of the least and most expensive from the point of view of consumption but also one of the most popular among Italian families. Energy efficiency with Class A, in practice, will do To reduce Two-thirds of the billing cost. The Draw Ecco’s proposal shows the “collapse” of costs: in Milan, for example, you will pay no more than 12 euros per day for an apartment of 110 square meters, 11 euros in Rome and 9 euros in Palermo. The numbers are more than half compared to the prices we’ve seen before. Leonardo emphasizes that energy class A is worthwhile, and a lot.

But at this point, not everything will depend on the new government, but on the contrary: “The strong link between market dynamics and tensions The geopolitics is due to the uncertainty in prices, and it does not seem that the situation will change in the coming months, ” says Ecco researcher Francesca Andruli. “So it will be a difficult winter, not because of the lack of gas quantities which is much feared because the storage level has reached 90%, but precisely because of the cost of raw materials“.


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