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Ukraine Russia, news of today’s war Kaliningrad: Moscow threatens Lithuania. Biden: We will defend allies –

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From Lorenzo Cremonese, Marco Emáricio, Andrea Nicastro and Paolo Fosci

Wednesday, June 22, news of the war, live: the advance of Russian forces in the Donbass, the attempts of the Ukrainian army to launch a counterattack in the south

• The war came in Ukraine Today 119.
• High tension in the Baltic region, after Lithuania banned the transport of goods to Russian isolate Kaliningrad. Moscow threatens to retaliate, NATO says it is ready to defend Lithuania.
• Putin warned that Sarmat supermissile It will be operational during the year.
• The Ukrainian armed forces announced that they attacked the strategy Snake Islandin the Black Sea, which caused great losses to the Russians.
• The Russians are advancing slowly in the east, while Ukrainian forces are trying to launch a counterattack in the south.
• Overtaking my cyclist Evidence of the Senate vote on Ukraine.
• Talks between Russia and Ukraine on sea lanes for grain will be held in Istanbul next week with the mediation of Turkey and the United Nations.
• No gas alarm in Italy: monitoring is already high.

08:04 – Threats and missiles

(Luca Angelini) Restrictions on the transit of goods from the mother country to Kaliningrad It will have consequences that he will feel in a very negative way on the people of Lithuania. Yesterday, the Secretary of the Russian Security Council said Nikolai Patrushevspeaking from the Russian backwater on the Baltic Sea, then Lithuania has decided not to allow anyone to pass through its territory anymore Types of goods subject to embargo.

Lithuania is a member of NATO and the United States is on its side. Our Armored Support US State Department spokesman Ned Price responded.

The Kremlin also received news yesterday that it will start work by the end of this year Super Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missileThe most advanced and feared weapon in the Kremlin’s arsenal. This was announced by Vladimir Putin himself, speaking to young graduates of Russian military academies.

As for the military situation on Ukrainian soil, envoy Lorenzo Cremonesi Taras, a special forces officer who met in a bar in Sloviansk, said: There is no point in deceiving ourselves, A few weeks and we will have to leave Severodonetsk and Leshansk. His assessments are coupled with those published in the American press citing Pentagon experts: the Ukrainians will not be able to keep the last 5 percent of Lugansk, but the battle for Donetsk province is still going on, and the Ukrainians begin to actively use the cannons. and missile launchers sent by the United States and other allies. In the end, Putin is unlikely to succeed in his plan to completely take over Donbass. (Here is the military point of Andrea Marinelli and Guido Olympio)

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This analysis was published on PrimaOra, the newsletter that Courier maintains for its subscribers. To receive it, you must register in Il Punto, of which PrimaOra is one of the three dates: You can do it here.

07:01 – Fiamme Gialle, assets were frozen for 1.7 billion for Russian citizens

Until May 31, the financial police froze the assets attributed to 14 Russian citizens with a total value of more than 1.7 billion euros: buildings, cars, boats, planes, land and company shares. It was announced with the same yellow flame in conjunction with the 248th anniversary of the founding of the Legion. As of last February 23, as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and the ensuing military escalation, the Financial Police, a member of the Financial Security Committee, launched targeted economic and heritage investigations into individuals and entities included in the restrictive measures issued by the European Union. The audits included more than 1,100 individuals who contributed to the threat or threat to Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

06:59 – Kyiv: Russian armed forces are trying to re-launch their attack on Slovinsk

The Russian armed forces are trying to resume the offensive on Slovensk. This was announced on Facebook by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Unian reports that. The occupiers are launching systematic fire to create conditions for the resumption of the offensive on the city of Sloviansk. He explained that they carry out attacks. In the Kharkiv region, the enemy is conducting aerial reconnaissance to determine the locations of our forces. The attacker carried out intense artillery bombardment of Ukrainian sites near Kharkiv, Stari Saltov, Rubezny and Shepil.

06:20 – Putin and the hyper-missile are ready by the end of the year

he walked Working by the end of this yearThe Super ICBM
SarmatThe most advanced and feared weapon in the Kremlin’s arsenal. This was announced by Vladimir Putin In person, speaking to young graduates of Russian military academies. There is no doubt about it The Russian President said, We will be strongerrelying again on its rules of reference: in the face of new threats and risks, We will develop and strengthen our armed forcesIn light of the lessons of modern conflicts. (Read here the full article by Paolo Valentino, Berlin Correspondent)

06:16 – Kyiv: 49 Russian soldiers killed in southern attacks

The Ukrainian Air Force reported the destruction of 2 Russian ammunition depots, 2 UAVs, 10 armored vehicles and a missile on June 21 in Donetsk Territory. This was announced by the Kyiv Independent. In the south, Kyiv forces destroyed two self-propelled howitzers, an artillery tractor, an electronic warfare station, an ammunition depot, five armored and military vehicles, killing 49 Russian soldiers.

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06:12 – Two major battles are in progress: in the Donbass and in the south

President Volodymyr Zelensky never left Kyiv at the initial stage of the war, but from the end of May he began to visit troops near the front to deliver a message of encouragement to the resistance and, at the same time, to show the enemy that the areas were safe enough for their travel. After his first visit on May 29 to Kharkiv, where the resistance had just repulsed the Russian offensive in the northeast, the Ukrainian leader on Saturday moved to the Southern Front, stopping in Odessa and Mykolaiv, a strategic river port where the Russians were. Unable to access. Conquer despite a long siege. Within Zelensky Sunday, we will not leave the south for anyone. A reference to the priorities of Kyiv, which is defending itself on the one hand in the east, on the other hand, counterattacks in the south are trying to take advantage of the smaller presence of the army, which is distracted by the Great Battle of Donbass, which became the main battle. Vladimir Putin’s goal. The Russians are making only marginal gains in the eastern sector, while in recent weeks the Ukrainians have launched counter-attacks in the southern part, trying to retake the lands the army had occupied at the start of the conflict. (Read the full article by Andrea Marinelli and Guido Olympio here)

06:12 – Kaliningrad: This is why the Russian ghetto is so important

Lithuania, on Friday, banned rail traffic on its territory for goods subject to international sanctions against Russia, Isolation of the Kaliningrad stronghold on the Baltic Sea. Moscow responded yesterday, warning that if Vilnius did not lift the blockade, it would take the necessary measures to defend its national interests. The question can be resolved by diplomatic means, says Kaliningrad Governor Anton Alikhanov, which is why the Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the EU ambassador to Moscow Markus Eder. Kaliningrad is a Russian region separate from the Motherland located between Lithuania and Poland and overlooking the Baltic Sea, one of which is one of the main ports: along with the port of Baltizhsk, the only Russian port in the region is open all year round without freezing and the Baltic Fleet has been stationed here since 1952. Kaliningrad, The capital of the Symmetrical Territory, with a population of 500,000 and military barracks Through which Moscow can threaten Europe. (Read the full article by Andrea Marinelli here)

06:11 – Russian army occupied some villages in eastern Ukraine

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The Russian army achieved success in eastern Ukraine. This was announced by the Kyiv General Staff, according to local media reports, explaining that the invading forces had occupied the villages of Biddlesen and Myrna Dolina in the southwest of the city of Severodonetsk and had partial successes near the settlement of Hersk in Luhansk Oblast. . Kyiv announced earlier today the surrender of the village of Toshkivka, located on the eastern front line. However, the situation is difficult to understand, as shown in the usual military point by Andrea Marinelli and Guido Olympio (Read the article here).

05:55 – USA: Lithuania armored support

Joe Biden said he does not fear splits in the Western alliance that backs Ukraine against Russia. But – he added – I think that at some point it will become a waiting game between what the Russians can support and what Europe will be willing to support. What we will talk about in Spain, the US president concluded, referring to the NATO summit at the end of this month in Madrid. Lithuania is a member of NATO and the United States is on its side. On the other hand, our Armored Support spokesperson identified the US State Department, Ned Price, at a press conference on Moscow’s threats to Lithuania. Since the beginning of the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine, we have reaffirmed the importance of Article 5 of NATO, which is the basis of the alliance of which Lithuania has been confirmed a member.

05:50 – Su25 crashes in Russia during a training flight

A Russian Su-25 crashed during a planned training flight in Rostov Oblast, Russia. This was reported by the RIA Novosti news agency.

05:48 – Zelensky: The European Union immediately approved the seventh package of sanctions against Russia

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in his usual video message at the end of the day, said that the seventh package of EU sanctions against Russia should be approved as soon as possible. In all negotiations with foreign partners, I constantly stress that the seventh package of EU sanctions is required as quickly as possible. The Ukrainian president said that Russia should feel the increasing pressure of the war and its aggressive anti-European policy, referring to new Russian threats to Lithuania and energy pressures on some European countries by cutting off gas supplies. According to some international media, the European Union is considering imposing sanctions on Russian gold as part of the next package of restrictive measures against Moscow.

Jun 22 2022 (change on Jun 22 2022 | 08:06)

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