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This Italian thriller revolutionized the thriller genre and is perfect for those who love suspense

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If you like the thriller genre, you will not miss the Italian movie at all The last night of loveStarring Pierfrancesco Favino. Presented at the Berlin Film Festival and in cinemas on March 9, the film is perfect for those who love suspense.

This Italian film revolutionized the thriller genre: it is perfect for those who love suspense

The last night of love is Best Italian film kind of excitement in recent years. Presented at the Berlin Film Festival, it was released in theaters on March 9 to great success. In the role of our wonderful protagonist Pierfrancesco Favino, who managed to get the part perfectly. The director, subject and screenwriter is Andrea Di Stefano, who chose to shoot the film in Milan, in the most hidden and mysterious part of the city at the foot of the Madonnina.

Franco LovePrecisely interpreted by Favino, he is about to leave the regime’s forces after 35 years of honorable service. During his long career he has never fired a shot and believes he will be able to carry this record with him into his required retirement age. However, nothing in life is as it seems and the cards on the table are often messed with.

Last Night of Love: Plot with Pierfrancesco Favino

Ten days before hanging up his armband, Franco Amore was already expected to pension. His wife Viviana, played by Linda Caridi, organizes a surprise party for him, while his friend and colleague Dino, who directed Francesco de Leyva, fantasizes about how he would adjust to working life without him.

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In all of this, Franco receives a proposal from a job And he cannot resist the temptation: a private security agency offers him a well-paid and seemingly completely legal job. Thus, love spoils his plans, but he finds himself mixed into one Chase Cardiac consolidation. At this point, the film changes its tone: betrayals, intrigues, and mysteries forcefully impose themselves on the scene. Friends turn into enemies, certainties become uncertain. The castle is collapsing and the stakes are increasing.

Why did Love’s Last Night revolutionize the thriller genre?

All my life I have had the ambition to be an honest personexclaims Franco Amore as he tries to hold on to the Valuable that have always marked his existence, both professionally and confidentially. How far is he willing to go to save the ones he loves? What price can he pay for his so-called state duties?

L’ultima notte di Amore is a race against time, as the viewer finds himself going through Franco’s story with the same madness. At some point, it seems you just can’t He distinguishes Scenes transmitted on the screen from reality. The unexpected, the miscalculations, the missteps: how far will we make it through this adventure called life? This is why the protagonist’s choices involve all of us.

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