Mail from the Internal Revenue Group on payment receipts? It’s a scam. Alert on misleading messages sent to taxpayers in email inboxes in press release of July 15, 2022. Alert to sender.
There is one in the inbox Mail from the Inland Revenue Group which relate to a payment receipt? that it misleading message: with the Press release on July 15, 2022AdER warns citizens by emphasizing that they are It has nothing to do with the transmission. and recommend Not being taken into account, not clicking on existing links, not opening attachments and immediately deleting them..
It is located around New attempts at phishing: With this word, a type of fraud that is transmitted over the Internet and often via email is identified using The credibility of institutional bodies.
Technology depends on one It seems a very similar connection To those sent by authorized sources that hide scams: a link or form, for example, to submit personal information or download Programs capable of causing harm.
Periodically, in fact, tooINPS Reporting to the Revenue Agency of sending and submitting suspicious emails Instructions to avoid getting scammed.
Mail from the Internal Revenue Group on payment receipts? New scam attempts
This time the scam is using a filerevenue collection agency which, with Press release on July 15, 2022The alarm is on, the alarm is on New scam attempts in the place.
Although scam messages are designed to be similar to those sent by institutional bodies, there are always some discordant elements And a good defense strategy to do Pay attention to the details.
The first thing to check, if you receive a suspicious email, is a fileE-mail address.
In fact, the text from AdER reads:
“Agenzia delle Entrate-Riscossione has reported new (phishing) email scams, carried out by sending emails with the sender[email protected]falsely attributed to the collection authority.”.
The letter also reports Information on the receipt of payment And on the relevant transaction number, withInvitation to view documents By clicking a link or by accessing an attached file.
there Request to connect to a web page or download a document It is typical for this type of communication because with the action it performs Negatives. By following the instructions in the phishing email, you fall into the scam circle.