/ Pavia
The university’s rector announced this Thursday in Fraschini, speaking at meetings of the Assolombarda: the university is about to make a physical space available to companies, probably in Palazzo Vistarino. “As a university, our goal is the increasingly intense work that looks at the placement of our graduates in companies and now we want to add another element – said Francesco Svelto – so as to guarantee access to the university by companies: we are defining the physical space to dedicate, which will be 99% of the Palazzo Vistarino. There, Companies will be able to occupy spaces, communicate with students, hold courses, interviews and everything that this place can offer to encourage meetings.It will no doubt be intended for the students of our university, but in the future they will also be able to look beyond that, for example to graduates who want access to We will start like this, but in my opinion this initiative has enormous potential: not only, I repeat, towards graduates, but also for those who are already working, or again for those who have not yet reached university because in the meantime they have taken to the streets other.”
Therefore, the intention is to increasingly shorten the distance between companies and the university, which is certainly one of the strengths of the area, given also the great ability of the University of Pavia to attract talent that can then pass into the world of work. If the Girolamo Cardano Innovation Park project, funded by the region with 12 million euros, has not yet taken off, the links between the university and the entrepreneurial fabric are already quite structured. An example is the microelectronics area that can now count on various important realities between Pavia and Milan, born also thanks to its proximity to our university. Companies that have employed hundreds of engineers over the years.
«But the offer of the University of Pavia is still not enough compared to the demand we have – Francesco Rizzi, President of Inventvm semiconductors, one of the companies in the region noted – salaries have almost doubled in our sector and we are doing everything we can to find young people to put them in ». Not only at the university, but also among the technical institutes: «Every year we take the names of all the graduates in the province of Pavia – added Rizzi – and invite them one by one to choose four of them who will train. They often say no to us, but after the internship we are offered a permanent job.” –