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Company sustainability: the future will not leave room for those who do not want to cultivate it

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A study of more than 1,000 companies reveals how real and tangible interests lie behind a commitment to sustainability for many businesses, even small ones.

In order to remain competitive, playing the role of the individual in the production system, so as not to give in to the future, it will be necessary to play an active role in the direction of sustainability.
More than a thousand companies associated with CNA are convinced of this and have responded about how important it is to invest in social and environmental sustainability today.

The data enclosed and illustrated in a study shows the extent to which entrepreneurs who lead small and even very small production companies are convinced that they want to contribute to the large global demands of collective interest.

Up to 82.4% of those feel guided by digital and environmental transformation, the two main pillars of a national recovery plan and resilience.

Behind sustainability are real interests

The real interests are at stake today.
Entrepreneurs highlighted how important it is to operate from a sustainable perspective today to meet the needs of:

  • Containing energy and raw materials costs
  • Reduce waste disposal costs
  • company’s reputation
  • Staying within supply chains that increasingly care about suppliers

Furthermore, 52.5% of the companies interviewed aim for sustainability with actions targeting the business context, with measures aimed at improving corporate welfare or the Employee training.

According to the study data, only 11.1% of companies have not yet implemented any process aimed at increasing their sustainability.

Share and practice sustainability

The survey results reveal a mixed picture of entrepreneurs. the youngest, under the age of 40, are more attentive than average to social sustainability, to the interventions that can be achieved through a circular transition; More sensitive to green issues-oriented training processes.

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Great awareness and willingness to participate are powerful signals that come from small and micro enterprises. The same companies that want to train for sustainability even if they still have undisclosed potential today.

The activation of this capital, with its great social value, will certainly be one of the first steps in the business world.
A path paved with common goals for the sustainability of production processes and a global ecological transition for the entire community.

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