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Roots Tourism, Canadian delegation arrives in Abruzzo

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Eagle. “The bridge connecting Canada and Abruzzo is increasingly solid through Roots Tourism. Today, Dr. Angelo Di Ianni, Executive Director of the Hamilton Dante Center for Italian Long and Culture, came to our region to give continuity to this project and to make the cultural exchange between Canadian Catholic schools even more fruitful, of which Di Ianni is the highest representative. , and the school structures of Abruzzo and Molise”.

To confirm it Regional Councilor Pietro SmargiassiA former member of CRAM, along with his colleague Francesco Daglieri, welcomed the Canadian delegation this morning and visited the elementary school of Vasto’s new teaching direction. , during the mission of the regions of Abruzzo and Molise in Canada.

Today my colleague Francesco Daglieri, sociologist Horacio di Stefano, school manager Concetta Delle Donne, Lucia Vitello resp. Together with App Training and the Head of Tourism of the Municipality of Vasto Americo Ricciardi, we analyzed what services and opportunities are available in our region. Can be given to students from abroad. Finding the best solution to their needs, under the banner of cultural development and sharing our history, is a challenge I welcome with great enthusiasm.

There is a special bond with Canada – continues Smargiassi – There are many Abruse citizens who crossed the seas to find their fortunes in big cities like Toronto and Ottawa, and today the grandchildren of those Abruse people think they can return to their homeland. Project school excites me. In the coming days, the Canadian delegation will also visit Molise facilities. The goal is to create a network between Abruzzo, Molise and other Italian schools, which represents an interest for Canadian companies. Corporate trips between the Abruzzo region and Canada, leading to concrete projects like this one, reflect the true strength of cultural exchange, starting from Roots Tourism, which turns ideas into real opportunities for the territory. concludes.

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