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Sky TV, from May you pay the most expensive subscription you pay more depending on the show, at the end of the year it’s a hit

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Really bad news has arrived for all Sky customers who will have to pay more for their subscription from May.

Other increases, therefore, which are added to all recent increases. In fact, not only did citizens have to deal with the increase in energy supply bills, but there was a lot of it. First of all, there are fuels whose cost per liter has almost doubled. A real blow to the hearts of those who travel for business.

Then there are all the basic necessities. Supermarket shopping is increasingly becoming a luxury for a few people. Higher inflation rates have led to further increases. We are talking about phone prices. These, in fact, increased with a unilateral change of decade. And the price increases are not small, on the contrary.

Added together for each billing month, in some cases, citizens find themselves paying an extra bill. It is a kind of thirteenth month’s salary, but it is owed. Obviously, citizens have the right to opt out completely freely. Not to mention double the monthly bill. In practice, users received the invoice for the new operator.

And also the context of the trigger they moved away from. Fortunately, antitrust has cleared this. Now, however, something is also affecting all Sky subscribers. In fact, they have already been warned that they will have to pay more in May. Let’s see together the reason for these increases and the amount of annual damage.

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More expensive subscriptions: Sky prepared the hit.

The motivation is always the same. Users have read it many times recently. In practice, increases aim to improve the services provided. But let’s go back to our discussion. The increases were measured as an extra €5.90 per month which in one year would be the equivalent of more than €70. A lot of money, don’t you think?

Sky Multiscreen: Subscriptions Will See Big Increases (on the Web) –

All users with a multi-screen subscription will suffer the worst, namely all those who benefit from being able to see the contents offered on the platform on multiple devices in their home. Obviously, as happened with regard to telephone tariffs, by law these users will also be able to opt out of the contract.

And they will be able to do so without paying any fines. In fact, there is time until next May 19 to deactivate the service. Users can send this communication via PEC or registered letter with return receipt. The reason should be:Disable the multi monitor serviceMoreover, this can be done by calling the help number or through the official online portal.

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