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New order in Canada for Danielle

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Danieli technology will allow Alcoma Steel Group, a leading Canadian steelmaker, to turn its plant from traditional to green, reducing carbon emissions by 70% in a single step. After rigorous international research, Alcoma has identified Danielle de Putrio as the sole supplier of technology for the green transformation of its steel plant, destined to become a leader in North America in this sense. A $ 185 million contract with Friulian Multinationals for Machinery and Automation 4.0 alone.

“This is the first example in the world – explains Gianpetro Benedetti, chairman of the Danieli Group, with satisfaction – that in the integrated steel industry coal-fired furnaces are shut down at the same time and replaced by two 250-ton electric arc furnaces with a Q-One digital power supply.” It is a technology developed, designed and patented by Danielle that allows for a significant reduction in power and energy consumption. “The Digimilter system – as Penetty explains – can be run with renewables.

The new Canadian green steel plant will have a production capacity of 3.7 million tons of high quality molten steel from recycled scrap. A supply of engraved envelopes and an automatic scrap yard are also expected to connect the two furnaces to reduce noise and emissions.

The new plant is expected to be operational by early 2024.

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