Home science Lamezia, Bishop Parisi inaugurating the 7th Science Festival at Galilee High School

Lamezia, Bishop Parisi inaugurating the 7th Science Festival at Galilee High School

Lamezia, Bishop Parisi inaugurating the 7th Science Festival at Galilee High School


Lamezia Terme – The seventh edition of the Science Festival was inaugurated at the Galilee Scientific High School today, Monday, December 19, 2022, in the presence of the Diocesan Bishop Serafino Baresi, and they were received with the greetings of Principal Teresa Goffredo, by teachers and students. from school. My greetings, veiled with great sadness, are those of the Principal, who recalled the school’s collaborator Filippo Rocca, who recently passed away: “The entire Galilee community has suffered in recent days the loss of a person who devoted all his time to our secondary school, with love, professionalism and a spirit of self-sacrifice.” The bishop’s words were a great source of solace, as he reminded the students that the death of a loved one is always painful, as he conveyed the heartbreaking words of a mother who told him “I would rather die than have my son. Here,” he added, “from this point of view we should read the Cross of Christ. The Suffering He took.” Because of his great love for us.”


“Many food for thought given by the pastor and many questions about life and values ​​posed by the students. After the final blessing – reads a note – the event began, which again this year offers a program full of activities: meetings with personalities from the world of culture, educational workshops and science experiments and logical-mathematical presentations, and in particular on this opening day, from the early hours of the morning, fifth-grade students were made aware of blood donation, thanks to the presence of Avis in the school; this first initiative, of great human and social significance, was followed by other initiatives of cultural value And big scientific ones like astrophysicist Sandra Savaglio’s conference, and Afternoon, by Dr. Macro.”

The four days of the festival to be held From 19 to 22 DecemberIt will also serve, – they explain, – as an entrance orientation, since the school will receive groups of students from preparatory schools who will watch young high school students, followed by their teachers, who are engaged in various activities, which will affect not only the scientific world, but also the humanities. Director Goffredo stressed, however, that although the Liceo Galilei is a leading school in its training proposal, full of activities such as those of the Festival, awarded again this year by Eduscopio as the best school in Calabria, it is left alone in solving a problem that has existed since Several years now, which will especially affect enrollment in the first grades in the academic year 2023/24: the lack of classes at the institute, which will force the school to be unable to meet all the requests from middle schools.

Freedom and responsibility

These are the key words that the Bishop, Monsignor Serafino Parisi, intended to unleash on the students, regarding them as essential agents of change that “it either begins with us,” said Monsignor Parisi, “or it never happens” because “sometimes the important things we delegate to others” whereas, instead of That is, “in history we do not act by delegation.” Going into details, the bishop, also prompted by the students’ questions, explained that “Freedom is a binding word. What is freedom?” – he asked, urging the boys to think about this – and how free are we? When we imagine ourselves free, how many conditions do we receive? Freedom – he continued Monsieur Parisi – it can be reached by a path, first of all rational: reason, intellect, logic, logos, research. It must be conquered, conquered by effort, perspiration, commitment, research, study. Responsibility, on the other hand, “is the feeling of being involved in the story I want to build and what you choose freely leads you to take on all the responsibilities, for better or for worse. Freedom of choice and taking on our responsibilities are the two paths by which our lands can change today,” Monsignor Parisi said. Tomorrow depends on our choices today and here.”



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