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Iran, drones in a defense factory. The Wall Street Journal: “Israel Attacks.” Tehran: They will not prevent us from developing nuclear energy

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Drones that They explode In the heart of the country, in Isfahan, a military “laboratory” was struck and responsibility for the attack remains uncertain, among newspapers accusing Israel, others pointing fingers at the US and those who say instead that the drones are parties from within Iran. province. Iran, which has been overwhelmed by protests for months and I fell into a whirlpool of conflict Russia and Ukraine With the supply of drones to MoscowViolent explosions were witnessed in the city 350 kilometers away during the night Tehran Where both are a Big air base Designed for both the US-made F-14 and F-14 fighter fleets Nuclear fuel research and production center. Ministry defense An Iranian said that one of the two drones was destroyed by the anti-aircraft defense system at the site, while the other two were destroyed I exploded But he did not point fingers at Israel, as he often did in the past. to be attributed to Tel Aviv there the responsibility Attack, exclusively for Wall Street Journal: According to the newspaper, Israel carried out an attack on the defense complex, while it and the United States are looking for new ways to contain Tehran’s nuclear and military ambitions. The Wall Street Journal quoted US officials and sources familiar with the operation, confirming that the raid targeted an Iranian munitions factory, next to a site belonging to the Iranian Space Research Center, which is listed on US sanctions because of its activities related to Iran’s ballistic missile program. . until the Jerusalem PostBefore the Wall Street Journal, it had pointed the finger at Israel: Citing foreign sources and Western intelligence, the newspaper wrote that the measure was an extraordinary success, though Iran admitted only “slight damage to the ceiling.” According to the TV Al Arabiyawhich cites its sources, however, for the “lab” hit it wasUS Air Force and “another country”. While, according to the Arabic channel the event, Israel does not participate in the process. to me The New York TimesOnce again, the attack was launched from within Iranian territory: the paper’s conclusion came after the state agency IRNA determined that the aircraft used were three MAF four-wheelers armed with explosives. These are vehicles with a very small range and can also be used by non-military personnel: according to local Iranian media, a similar incident occurred in June 2021 when a nuclear centrifuge plant was attacked and another against Hezbollah in Beirut in August 2019. .

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to me Wall Street Journal It comes to First known attack Carried out by Israel under the new right-wing coalition government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who authorized a series of daring operations inside Iran when he last served in the post from 2009 to 2021. Meanwhile, he still knows the newspaper and Israeli and American leaders are discussing ways to New measures to combat Iran’s destabilizing operations, including deepening military cooperation with Russia.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic said, Hussein Amir AbdullahianHe commented on the attack, describing it as a “cowardly” gesture and “part of the attempts made by our enemies in recent months to destabilize Iran.” But it will not have any effect on the will and intentions of our specialists Development from U.S nuclear Pacificadded the minister.

“All options are on the table to prevent to Iran Instead, the US Secretary of State said, “ Anthony Blinken In an interview with Al Arabiya In Egypt, the first stop on his tour of the Middle East that will take him to meet with the Israeli and Palestinian authorities. Blinken added that “although Iran has rejected the proposal to return to the nuclear deal, Washington” still believes that diplomacy is the most effective way to address the issue.

An adviser to the Ukrainian president also intervened in the incident Mykhailo Podolak. “Explosive night in IranHe wrote on Twitter, “the production of drones and missiles,” and “oil refineries.” in his tweet Podolac He stressed that “the logic of war is ruthless and murderous” and “severely presents the bill to the perpetrators and accomplices.” Referring to the accusations of some countries a Tehran To supply the Russian army with unmanned aerial vehicles for warfare Ukraine. It’s a topic he’s been interfering with since October. Israel with the exchange of information with Kyiv Among the nearly 400 drones in use flies in conflict. Just before that The New York Times He also wrote, citing statements by a Ukrainian official, that Israel would have provided Kyiv with “useful intelligence for striking Iranian drones” used by Moscow.

infected site – The place where the drones were launched is described by the Ministry defense local as a “lab”, without going into details What does he specialize in, as you mentioned guardianAlso, remembering that I Defense sites Nuclear power plants increasingly find themselves surrounded by commercial and neighborhood properties residential With the expansion of the country’s cities. In some places, you don’t even know what is being produced within these locations. The only recognition is the banner displayed with the MoD or Department of Defense logo Paramilitary Revolutionary Guard. As for what happened to IsfahanA video widely circulated on social media, the reliability of which remains questionable, showed a large explosion at the scene and images of emergency vehicles heading towards the area. The ministry said in a statement that the accident, which occurred at 11.30pm on Saturday (9.00pm in Italy) – only damaged part of the roof of the workshop and caused no injuries or damage to equipment. the activities He specified that “these blind actions will not affect the country’s continued progress.” According to the statement of the Iranian Ministry of Defense, there were three drones: one was shot down by anti-aircraft fire and the other exploded thanks to “traps” set up to defend the station. He adds The statement that there is “minor damage” to the roof of the factory and no one was hurt Tehran No direct accusations reached the parliamentarian Muhammad Hassan Al-Safari He points his finger at “opponents and enemies.” Islamic RepublicThose who, with this attack, are trying to “shake the defense capabilities” of the country. In the same hours of the attack, a major fire broke out at the refinery petroleum in North City Tabriz. However, there are currently no indications of a relationship between the two events.

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Israel Tel Aviv He did not comment on the story, however Jerusalem Post He mentions how Western intelligence services and Iranian sources attributed in the past to Israeli services Mossad Attacks on nuclear facilities a Christmas In 2020 and 2021, to a nuclear plant A Karaj in 2021 in addition to the destruction of 120 Iranian drones in February 2022. Moreover, the newspaper writes again, “There are few non- Mossad With advanced and surgical skills described in this procesIn the aforementioned events, Iran has always initially talked about the failed attacks, and then had to admit their scale in the face of evidence from satellite imagery and other evidence that has come out publicly. It is not clear, he continues. Jerusalem Postif only advanced weapons are damaged in attack traditional Or they may have dual use as is certain Ballistic missiles Or explosive equipment that can also be used with bombs nuclear.

according to exclusive Wall Street JournalAlso Director of the CIA William Burns He made an unannounced trip to Israel last week to discuss Iran and other regional issues, according to sources close to the file. The foreign minister is expected to arrive in Israel on Monday Anthony Blinken To continue talks between the United States and Israel on Iran and other regional issues. Last week, the United States and Israel conducted their largest-ever joint military exercise involving more than 7,500 personnel from both countries in a series of scenarios to test their ability to take out air defense systems and resupply aircraft, operations that could be key components of a major operation. . military strike against Iran. The Israeli general in charge said last week Al Wall Street Journal Israel and the United States are preparing for the worst.

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Protests and the nuclear deal – Explosions Isfahan pray whileIran Shocked by the protest movement that arose in mid-September after the death Mahsa Aminia 22-year-old Iranian Kurd who died while in the custody of the morality police for not wearing the correct clothes a barrier It is disputes related to the issue nuclear. L’Iran It has many known nuclear research sites in the area Isfahan, including the uranium conversion plant. In April 2022, Tehran announced that it had begun producing 60% enriched uranium at a site Natanz Approaching the 90% needed for an atomic bomb. the Negotiations To revive the international Iranian nuclear agreement known by its English acronym They answered It concluded in 2015 betweenIran on the other sideEuropean Union And the six major powers, on the other hand, have reached a dead end after the unilateral exit United State in 2018. This deal aimed to prevent A.J Tehran To get atomic weapons, the goal is thatIran He always denied the prosecution. Iran’s nuclear program has been the target of several campaigns of cyberattacks, sabotage, and targeted assassinations of scientists.

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