Rome – “Arbitrary and unlawful” detention was defined as the arrest of Leonidas Isa Salazar, head of the main organization representing the indigenous people of Ecuador, cosmic. Security forces detained the man in Cotopaxi district for 24 hours, Vice President of the Republic reported cony, Zinaida Yasakama. He was released after mass protests, but there is still a charge that could cost him three years in prison. The accusation is that they paralyzed public transport services through a somewhat participatory national mobilization. The “Barrow National‘, the national strike, called by cosmic To demand some economic reforms: lowering diesel prices, stabilizing agricultural prices, stopping mining and oil extraction projects.
Reasons for protest. Indigenous protests – supported by several humanitarian organizations – However, they put on the table of the government of Guillermo Lasso a series of very complex issues, which all converge at one point: the deep economic crisis in the country, which today forced the renegotiation of the large debts contracted with China, and also for this reason, To increase oil extraction, in order to raise the national economy at least a little. A topic that intersects, in fact, with one of the reasons behind the indigenous protests, in a country where 70 per cent of its area is recognized as indigenous land.
A detonator for the tensions associated with poverty and inequality. The state of high tension in Ecuador has been going on since June 13, after – precisely – the arrest of the President, Leonidas Isa Salazar. His arrest was somewhat of a trigger for the fanaticism among indigenous organizations that had been brewing for some time against President Lasso’s neoliberal policies. A president who appears to be facing increasing difficulty in managing a heavy economic crisis linked to the epidemic, on the one hand, and the consequences of a general increase in prices, basic necessities, as well as because of the economic policy that has been in place hitherto on the other hand is unable to dispel the tensions arising from the deep social inequalities rooted in This country is located in Latin America. For these and other reasons, many fear the possibility of a repeat of the October 2019 situation, when indigenous protest paralyzed the entire nation for several days.
Strong Episcopal Conference Words. Therefore, we live today in a context in which Episcopal Conference of Ecuador He expresses himself thus, explaining (perhaps) a temporary distance: “As citizens and brothers of each of you, we are deeply concerned about the social, economic and political situation of the country. We are no strangers to the cry of our people, who ask for better days for all, but we also realize that this is a path we must build. Together. We look at the present moment with great concern – reads the note from the powerful establishment – we can never come to terms with violence, wherever it comes and in what form. Nor are we convinced that this is the path we must take if we are to build a better Ecuador. Let us search come together to find appropriate solutions through dialogue, and to think above all about the common good and the well-being of the poorest in our country.”
arrested him. Violence occurred against police cars and private property, which later justified the arrest of some activists, including Salazar. “The arrests of intellectuals and physical perpetrators of violence have begun, and now justice must take its course. No one is above the law,” said Ecuadorean President Guillermo Laso. In recent days, numerous roadblocks and fires have been recorded in at least 16 provinces of the country.
the answer. In response to the arrest of Eiza Salazar, Kony’s vice president called for “the radicalization of the struggle at the national level in defense of our proposals and our president.” Packing points promoted cosmic They include calls for measures against price hikes and respect for civil rights. The protest was also called because, according to the indigenous people, several closed-door meetings with the government organized in the last year did not produce any results.