John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Collapse of the ramp in Via Popiano, project space – Chronicle

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Via Poppiano landslide towards solution. The Municipal Council of Montespertoli approved the final implementation project. The intervention will consist in constructing a parapet of filled stilts about twelve meters long on a front more than twenty meters high. The work is necessary due to deformations of the plan of the municipal road, consisting of transverse and longitudinal lesions of the road, with cavities, bumps and depressions.

Indeed, once the barrier is built, in addition to preparing any other reinforcement measures and providing geotechnical monitoring of the slope – a note from the municipality explains – interventions to regulate the water and rebuild the road surface will also be planned for a length of about forty meters. The critical importance emerged in the wake of severe meteorological phenomena in November 2019, for which a regional emergency was declared. Accordingly, the municipality requested and obtained a loan in the amount of 180,000 euros, which is equivalent to the costs of carrying out the works.

“There are those who call Montespertoli ‘the landslide capital’ not by accident – the deputy mayor of Montespertoli, Marco Perini, responsible for public works and the environment – commented. Contributing to the integrity of part of the slope A book via Poppiano notes that the administration is fully aware of the urgency of the problem, So much so that this is not the first contribution required and obtained to combat hydrogeological instability.With the approved intervention, we will intervene in a known problem so that it does not aggravate further, with the aim of avoiding the inconvenience brought by landslide slopes as much as possible. For us this challenge is a priority and we are investing time and effort.”

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In fact, this is not the first intervention to make landslide slopes safe that the municipal administration has initiated: in recent months, the intervention to reopen the road network across Vallagiana, between the villages of Martignana and Botinaccio, and more interventions in other areas of the municipal territory are expected in the months Coming, “also thanks to the ability to attract funds from abroad” – the administration asserts – the technical structures of the municipality are acquiring and consolidating.

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