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Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Art and science throughout Italy: winners and winners

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A work on the breaking of symmetries in nature entitled Violation, by Gabriele Baldo, Samuele Invernese, and Antonio Madrão from Liceo Salesiani Don Bosco (Trivello), won first place in the National Competition of Arts and Sciences across Italy, a project of the Schools created by the National Institute of Physics Nuclear INFN, CERN, and latest release partner, Federico II University of Naples.

In second place, the work of the “Promoter of Complexity” of Vincenzo d’Ambrosio, Gabriel Leonardo Ciobano, Antonio Cristiano of Liceo Scientifico Braucci (Caifano), created as part of the training and mentoring initiatives implemented by INFN and promoted by the MUR Ministry of University and Research for the benefit of schools and students in Caifano. While Giulia Nastassia, Janelle Shanaya Atenes Castillo and Alfredo Cappuccia from Liceo Artistico e Choreutico “Ciardo Pellegrino” (Lecce) with “Explosion of a supernova” took third place.

The award ceremony for the 54 students who won the 4th edition of Art and Science across Italy and received scholarships to participate in the Master’s Degree in the Relationship between Art and Science at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories in Naples has just ended, at the Acacia Theater in Naples. INFN (23-26 June 2024) or at CERN in Geneva (1-5 September 2024).

More than 7,100 students from 194 schools across Italy participated in the 2022-2024 edition of the Art and Science Fair across Italy. Students created more than 1,300 artworks with scientific inspiration, which were presented in 19 exhibitions, held between November 2023 and May 2024 in the cities of Bari, Biella, Cagliari, Catania, Florence, Ferrara, Frascati, Genoa, Lecce, Milan, and Naples. Padua, Perugia, Pisa, Potenza, Rome, Teramo, Turin, and Trieste.

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At each stage, the most important works were awarded and selected which now form the national exhibition “Creation by Imagination” opened today, May 3, at the Museum of Man – National Archaeological Museum in Naples. The exhibition, created by INFN in collaboration with the University of Naples Federico II and MANN, will be open until May 13, hosting 96 works by 280 male and female students.

From physics to biology, from geology to mathematics, from natural sciences to chemistry, the topics that inspired the students’ work range across all scientific disciplines and were created after a two-year course in which they participated in activities and seminars organized by researchers from INFN departments and local universities.

In addition to the most important works created during this edition of Art & Science Via Italy, winners of the local selections, the MANN Rooms also host some works from the collections of INFN and CERN, created by both international artists who participated in the project in 2012 of the CMS experiment “Art@CMS “, and by other artists who have become interested in the project over the years, including Luciano Macciotta and Prezia Cesarano who have recently become part of it.

Awards Ceremony and “The Universe in Flapping Wings” Show:

The student works presented at the National Gallery were evaluated by a jury of experts in art, science and scientific communication, and were awarded during an event dedicated to the Acacia Theater in Naples.

The event concluded with the conference presentation “The Universe in Flapping Wings.” Images of Art and Science”, open not only to project participants but also to citizens. The heroes of the film were Valentina Mariani, INFN researcher from Perugia, and Pierluigi Paolucci, INFN researcher from Naples, who accompanied the audience through the fascinating story of the universe and its evolution from the big bang to today, as well as instruments Very powerful thanks to which we can explore.

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The scientific story was accompanied by the Banda del Oco musical group and readings by actress Bianca Mastromonaco, illustrated by Luca Rali.

Art and Science Trans Italy Project:

The project, now in its fourth edition, aims to bring girls and boys closer to the world of science using the language of art, and was created by INFN in cooperation with CERN in Geneva and the University of Naples Federico II Studies.

The two-year Trans-Italy Art and Science project involves male and female students from the third, fourth and fifth grades of secondary schools with the aim of bringing them closer to the world of scientific research by catering to different individual abilities and interests.

During the first year seminars, workshops and visits to museums and laboratories are organised, which students take as a starting point for creating artistic works on scientific topics. The works created and awarded are presented in regional exhibitions and the most important ones are collected in the national exhibition that concludes the project.

From the first edition until today, the Art and Science Across Italy program has involved more than 16,000 students from 15 Italian regions, with the project being coordinated by some researchers from INFN departments and local universities.

Art and Science partners throughout Italy:

The 2022-2024 edition of the Art and Science Trans Italy project, created in collaboration between INFN, CERN and the University of Naples Federico II, is sponsored by Radio Kiss Kiss and CAEN and benefits from funding from the European Community through the “Playing with” project “Protons Go Digital” and a contribution from the Edo Foundation And Elvo Timbia.

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Always interested in the world of young people, Radio Kiss Kiss, since 2022, is the official radio of the Art and Science Project across Italy and has contributed to the creation of scholarships and full path support for students at all stages of selection.

Information about the exhibition Create by imagination

Where: Man – National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Museum Square 18/19. When: From May 3 to 13, 2024

Working hours: daily: 9.00 – 19.00. Closed on Tuesday.

National Institute of Nuclear Physics

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