The corset is a metaphor for a private life that is stifled, restricted, and different. Beyond appearances and court glamor. Portrait of Elisabeth Amalia Eugenie of Wittelsbach, Empress of Austria and Apostolic Queen of Hungary, wife of Franz Joseph, Brought up in Bavaria, Ludwig’s dear friend and ideal is erratic, borderline, with a strong creative vein. Vain, polyglot and chain smoker. Irresistibly drawn to psychoanalysis and the emerging madness, they are mistreated in the asylums of the empire. A lover of indomitable horses and seductive knights, sensitivity to formalities, with a strong self-destruct streak. To everyone, Elizabeth Princess Sissy. The entries come from the films of Romy Schneider, although this name is never mentioned. uA strong woman in a world built on submissionI started to fall.
Austrian director Marie Kreutzer (The life we wanted) use Sisi eg Interpretation of progress and female liberation Within the family, within the community, within the kingdom. Elizabeth was able to afford what no one else could afford in her time: that is why she is a wonderful model, a beacon.
So Kreutzer chose the non-biographical sideAdding fictional or invented details: perhaps the relationship with Cecco Beppe, surely that ending is too melodramatic. In the 113th part of the film, the Queen tightens her corset beyond all limits: at forty she wants to be as seductive as a twenty-year-old girl and asks for an wasp waist. Ride and fence like a boy. Participate in underwater endurance tests measured by maids. Open windows and cornices have a strange effect on her. Neurotic, agitated, out of control. Often swooning, whether real or pretended, she suffers from court naming as Anti-Letram Lady Diana.
When gloom arrives, he resorts to excess, to dialectical excess, to drug haze. He would like to escape from the woman-mother dimension – a beautiful figurine. Now sad, now cheerful, she becomes involved with Louis Prince, a movie pioneer, In the magic of the motion picture. The lifeless Vicky Krebs, next to Milady in another version of The three musketeersthe perfect interpreter of the Empress, closed between paleness and blushing, fainting and haughty, sovereign and rebellious, was finally killed by loneliness.
Empress corset by Mary Kreutzer
(Austria, 2022, duration 113 minutes)
Starring Vicky Krebs, Florian Testmeister, Colin Morgan, Finnegan Oldfield, Tamas Lengel, Aaron Friese, Gene Werner
Rating: *** out of 5
in the halls
December 10, 2022 | 07:25
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