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Valdagno insults Forte Versilia (11-0)

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Coach Eddie Randon’s piano will present himself on Easter Day at Forte dei Marmi in the Coppa Italia final (he won already in 2021) against Women’s Matera, after a big win over Versilia Roller.
On the evening of Saturday 9 April, the women’s team HC Valdagno won the match against the Tuscan team of Forte Versilia Rolleri 11-0. With the victory, the Vicenza players returned to the eternal rival of Matera at the top of the championship standings.
biancocelesti took to the track with the starting lineup. The Sofas immediately advanced and in the 4th minute, Santochiriko scored the first goal. 9′ from the break was repeated bringing the team to 2–0; 5″ after Ana Orsato scored 3-0.
In the second half spread Captain Tamiozzo and his companions. Santochirico scored two more goals, then Sestonaro, Tamiuso and Bertinato led the challenge with an 8-0 score. Then coach Randon brought on the field an under-16 player Ludovica Rossetto, who scored three goals in the last 8 minutes. She is 11-0.

Score board – Valdagen Forte Versilia, 11-0 (3-0)
HC Valdagno
Speak, Santuccirico, Lorenzato, Sestonaro, Tamioso, Rossetto, Bertinato, Orsato, Floriani, Rosato.
Coach: Randon.
Strong reverse cylinder: Massetti, Raffaele, Ianacone, Fariuli, Anis, Balaji, Paramandpur, Fiorini.
Coach: Cruel.
Referee: Pigato di Montecchio Precalcino.
Goals – Points: 3′ 45′, 15′ 11′ Santochirico (fifth), 15′ 16′ Orsato (fifth). St: 3′ 25″, 9’04” Santochirico (V), 3’47” Cestonaro (V), 7’19” Tamiozzo (V), 10′ 47″ Bertinanto (V), 12′ 11, 15′ 13 The 17’09” Rossetto (V).

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