Irregular immigrants will be “placed in detention within 28 days and then immediately returned or deported to countries such as Rwanda.” The bill also limits the right to appeal deportations. Those expelled will not be able to return to the kingdom or apply for British citizenship in the future
Stop the boat – we forbid boats. the government Sunak He spouted another three-word slogan (remember Johnson’s “End Brexit”) as “full speed ahead” to prevent a relegation immigrants Stowaways arrive on British shores by ship boats or makeshift small boats across the English Channel. Anyone who arrives illegally “cannot stay in the UK, they will be placed in it.” within 28 days Then immediately Repatriation or deportation to countries such as Rwanda. without fairness measures,” warns the Anglo-Indian home secretary Suela Bravermandressed in red on Tuesday among the green benches in the House of Commons, has offered her seat controversial bill The fight against illegal immigration, which aims to be a strict crackdown on practice smugglers And a leap forward compared to European partners against the global landing crisis.
Sinak government strategy – The package of “anti-rubber boat” measures being considered by Parliament in Westminster states that anyone who lands on British coasts illegally will not be detained in the hotel used to house asylum seekers (currently costing taxpayers £6m a day) but in cEnter reservationwithout the possibility of objection or appeal. Except for some cases, such as the case the palace or affected persons diseaseswould be illegal immigrants Disqualified As soon as possible from the UK: return them to their country of origin or deport them to ‘safe’ countries like Rwanda with which the Home Office has already signed a million dollar agreement. The bill limits the right to do so gravity Against deportations, to bypass the Strasbourg courts that appeal so far to European Convention on Human Rights, They blocked flights already scheduled for Kigali over British runways, which cost the British government £140m.
End of the race for the expelled: They will never be able to return to the kingdom or apply for British citizenship in the future. Territory deterrentOfficially spurred by the 500% increase in illegal disembarkations in two years by Rishi Sunak’s government, with 45,000 illegal immigrants landing from rubber dinghies on British coasts in 2022 compared to 300 in 2018. Expensive (£3bn a year) The requests are decided in two-thirds of the cases after six months.
Those who cross the canal illegally (mostly Albanians, followed by Afghans, Iranians and Iraqis) do not flee persecutions Or direct threats to one’s life, but they arrive through safe countries and pay large sums of money to them Gang From smugglers to make a dangerous and sometimes tragic journey – Prime Minister Sunak justified himself – so my politics are simple: it is our country that should decide who enters, not criminal gangs. People need to know that illegal entry into the UK involves detention and expedited deportation. Knowing that this is what will happen to them, they will stop coming. And the boats will stop.”
But can it work and, above all, is it legal? When introducing the bill, Secretary Braverman herself said there could be More than 50% probability that the ‘measures are incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights’, but must comply with international standards. Sunak said he would go ahead anyway and defy the law despite Vicki Tennant, the UK representative atUnited Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) says the bill is clear violation of the Refugee Convention Because it precludes the possibility of applying for asylum even to migrants with the most basic cases and deprives people at real risk of protection.
But besides the legal issue there Practical problems How to find the places where illegal immigrants are being held and the countries to which they are deported, given that Rwanda has made room for the hundreds but not thousands of illegal immigrants who have made it to the English coast. “We need diplomacy and negotiation with the EU, not throwing red meat at conservative rebels by piling pressure on the machine that runs the asylums – he criticized Stephen Kinnock From the ranks of the workers’ opposition – we must negotiate an agreement Back with the Calais group (France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands) with the agencies of the European Commission. It is necessary to simplify asylum procedures for applicants with demonstrated needs and to expel those who do not qualify. We must put on the display board the number of asylum seekers who can enter Great Britain and in return the EU will have to accept the return of those who enter illegally.”
The controversial, and even “unworkable” bill, according to many, should reach the final stages of the parliamentary process in the summer, but it already sounds like Sunak’s election slogan: “Brexit done, now we’ll take back control of our borders”.