After the official presentation, let’s take stock of the news regarding the next-generation update of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for PS5 and Xbox Series X | S.
December 14th is fast approaching: the day when the long-awaited next-gen update for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will finally be available. Update that fans of the series via license plate CD RED project I have been waiting for a long time, which will allow the game to take maximum advantage of the hardware of the new platforms, hence the PS5 and Xbox Series X | S, but obviously also the computer itself.
During a special REDstreams, the Polish studio officially introduced it Next-gen update news for The Witcher 3: Wild Huntwhich will certainly include various technical improvements, but also many precautions in terms of quality of life that will make the whole experience more enjoyable, in order to ensure that our numbers game is fresh and offers a different view of Geralt of Rivia’s latest adventures.
PC version

Despite being the least publicized regarding the update, even PC version From The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be able to count on a wide range of technical improvements when the next-gen update goes live on December 14th. The first and most important of course is support Ray tracing It is applied to global lighting and ambient occlusion, giving great depth to already suggestive settings.
The developers also improved screen space reflectivity (previously only applied to water, now works on all reflective surfaces), redesigned vegetation assets, added new textures and introduced leveling techniques. DLSS 3 and FSR 2.1as well as a dynamic scaler, in order to make all of these improvements manageable through a wide range of configurations, and effective resolution reduction in order to obtain smooth, consistent frame rates net for a significant boost in visual impact.
Since several years have passed since publication (by the way, here’s our review of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt), the CD Projekt RED guys thought it appropriate to implement New graphics options In order to take advantage of the latest generation of graphics cards, so after the update we will also find it in the game Ultra Plus settings To increase the quality of scenarios and characters. However, it is not a preset, but individual adjustments.
We present to you a picture mode (available, we imagine, on all platforms) will allow you to capture the airy beauty of settings and take evocative screenshots, working on a range of elements that include width of field, depth of field, focus mass, focal distance, aperture and then again saturation, contrast, temperature, exposure and vignetting .
A new point of view

Among the most important innovations for the next generation update of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is new offer: a feature born almost by accident, thanks to the developers’ experiments with the game’s camera, which have proven to be very exciting and effective in offering a different perspective compared to the classic experience with action RPGs based on Andrzej Sapkowski’s novels.
After that install the update will be possible Zoom in vision Behind Geralt is through three different choices: exploration, combat, and horseback riding. This means that we will be able to determine how the camera works depending on the situation, try different solutions and check which setting we prefer. The end result, CD Projekt RED guarantees, adds a Amazing freshness Experience, even more so if the thousandth run.
PS5 and Xbox Series X versions | S.

The next generation update for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will allow all owners of the game on PS4 and Xbox One to make Free update to PS5 and Xbox Series X versions | S, while those who do not yet own it will be able to purchase the new version directly from the PlayStation Store or Xbox Store. Well, what are the features designed to get the most out of the hardware of the Sony and Microsoft platforms?
In the first place, traditional elements will now be listed Two graphics modes: one at 4K and 30fps with added ray tracing, and the other is supposed to be at 1440p and 60fps. Both will be able to count on the integration of FSR technology and the Dynamic Amplifier that will allow the game to remain grounded at the reference frame rate, but above all they will boast optimized assets just like on PC, with a general quality very close to ultra settings.

on me Playstation 5 The developers have also added support for console-specific features DualSensewith haptic feedback and adaptive triggers that will add depth to the experience especially to the fight sequences, producing vibration and resistance in line with what’s happening on screen in order to increase the degree of engagement in the action.
Speaking of sharing, another feature that arose almost by accident and is present on both consoles and PC is that of using Signs: If in the original version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt it was necessary to open a radial menu from time to time before being able to use this ability, with the next generation update it will be possible to resort to it in a much faster way and without pauses and then cut a beat Clashes that will be more intense.
user interface

Changes have also been made to the front of theuser interface, starting with the map: The world of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is full of things to do and see, but the developers’ feeling is that such an extensive list and many codes tend to force players to mechanically complete each mission. For this they have introduced an optional filter that makes only the essential elements visible, leaving everything else to our exploration ambitions, and at the same time added an option to Hide the minimap And commute the old fashioned way.
Still in the exploration plan, it will be possible to use a controller on both PC and console Adjust your walking pace From Geralt as it happens in modern action adventures: a simple press of the analog stick will tell the character to walk, while a more decisive press will make him run. Finally, I have been improved subtitlesproviding the ability to resize them to finally make them more readable when played back while connected to a TV.
Additional content and cross-progression

Plus a whole series of corrections More or less related to the game’s best known issues, with the next-gen update The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will also see the integration of some modern Most popular made by the community and access DLC based on the TV series Produced by Netflix, with an unpublished assignment whose contents are still shrouded in mystery: I’ll be happy to find out what kicks off from December 14th. This content will also be coming to Switch, PS4, and Xbox One.
The latest announcement was the proverbial icing on the cake: support cross progress on computers and consoles. This means that we will eventually be able to resume our old saves on Steam or GOG and continue the game on PS5 or Xbox Series X | S or vice versa, keeping all progress and avoiding losing a small part of our experience with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Isn’t that exciting?