Home science The San Martino di Vinesi Library is a “widespread digital space” thanks to the Caribaro Foundation

The San Martino di Vinesi Library is a “widespread digital space” thanks to the Caribaro Foundation

The San Martino di Vinesi Library is a “widespread digital space” thanks to the Caribaro Foundation

San Martino di Venezi (Rovigo) – After years of the epidemic caused by the Covid-19 emergency, the Cassa di Risparmio di Padova and Rovigo Foundation, headed by Gilberto Moraro, has made available 1 million euros to the region for the benefit of culture operators that have suffered from a drastic mass of activities due to measures containment.

This help is made possible thanks to Culture on life group Which aims to promote the digitization of activities and services to enhance the cultural offer through new models of management, production and use, functional to re-launch the structures operating in these sectors.

The project fits this context The Liber @ Tutti Library promoted by the Municipality of San Martino di Vinze and the Municipal Library of J. Casarin in cooperation with the Leonardo da Vinci Cultural Association and with the support of Casa di Risparmio di Padova and the Rovigo Foundation.

Specifically, the project wants to make the library one A “diffuse digital space” to promote reading and culture production, transforming digital innovation actions into standardized practices For employees of the Foundation by implementing and acquiring new digital skills, create initiatives that allow youth (1-14 years old) and youth (20-35 years old) to become champions as users and producers of cultural service activities, Increase the participation of the school-age public (first cycle of education) in Cultural, social and recreational activities thanks to distance reading activities. The project is based on the process of transferring knowledge, skills, emotions and experiences to the specialized beneficiaries (municipal staff/volunteers), the young student audience and the reading group.

The Active Participation and Empowering Objectives methodology was chosen because only by offering the protagonists the unique experience of being part of the process of building cultural initiatives and projects, the Objectives themselves will be a multiplier of good practices with other peers and in the private sector. life.

From a detailed analysis of the context, it is clear that the municipality of San Martino di Vinzee offers and guarantees to younger generations a complete school path, from kindergarten to lower secondary school with the following institutes: Kindergarten State; equal school “SM Goretti”; state primary school; State secondary school first degree.

In the municipal area Giancarlo Casarine Municipal Library, with an area of ​​200 square metres. 1,454 active users have been registered from the territory of the entire province. During the research and in the following period, new digital ways of using the cultural service for audiences (film forum, bibliographic advice, readings for young users) were tested but There was a need to strengthen it, and above all, to make it usable both for larger users and for hard-to-reach groups of the public for which the epidemic had eliminated the regular attendance of the library premises.

In order to realize the project, the municipality of San Martino di Venza will benefit from the cooperation and active participation of two municipal employees: Guido Poli, Head of the General Secretariat and Demographic Services Region e Teresa ColomboLibrary reference.

The project will also allow the contribution of external professionals:- Serena Spitalieri The Social Media Manager and the Independent Professional will provide digital skills training to the staff of the lead body (social account management, Facebook and Instagram marketing, content marketing), and will ensure an audit service on the work done by the organization’s staff related to the project, Digital education meetings for the reading group and children’s families will be held in school age;

Elena Priego, She is also a freelancer in the field of cultural and educational planning for the third sector, organizer of cultural events, and will coordinate project activities, assess and monitor the various phases of the project.

Project procedures. Precisely because thanks to the project it will be possible to equip employees with new skills in the digital field, this will allow two subjects to manage the curated and digital image of cultural services even after 12 months of the project have been reached and concluded.

Part of the economic plan will also ensure the purchase of equipment that will be provided to the library to realize future cultural and educational events in a digital key (eg laptop, smartphone, microphone).

Activity: Strengthening the reading group. 3 online coordination and promotion meetings will be organized for the reading group activity

Activities: Surprise library, digital education seminar, animated readings. One online meeting will be organized to present the entire project to families and library users. Serena Spitalieri will focus specifically on digital education to prepare families and adults to comprehensively and consciously use the major digital platforms;

A digital book ordering and promotion form will be created in order to realize the library’s surprise initiative. This action aims to reach a wider audience but also a smaller audience by offering a double loan of books: one address will be directed by the user and the other address will be determined by the library. The two books on loan will be delivered to the library in shopping bags made specifically for the project.

Thanks to the participation of the Leonardo da Vinci Cultural Society, which for years has been involved in educational courses on the promotion and importance of reading, 4 meetings of animated and dramatic readings will be presented in a private conference call for groups of pupils attending local schools.

The municipality of San Martino di Vezee believes in the value of this path and has decided to support it by guaranteeing the co-financing required by the convocation regulation. Indeed, hoping that the results of this first edition will reflect the assessments made at the planning stage, it is not excluded that the municipal administration will renew its economic support even at a later time. It is necessary to provide continuity and certainty for the cultural service in its continuous growth and development.


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