Gas: the price is collapsing in Italy, experts explain why and what could happen soon
Italy is full of methane reserves and the price of gas has collapsedIn Italy it is Gas price collapse: This could be one good news Experts explain why and what will happen soon.
TheItalian families I am already struggling (and will be more in the future) with Dear Bills: Electricity and gas have experienced a boom since 2021 and it is estimated that In all of 2022, the typical Italian family will pay more than double compared to last year.
Newspaper Republicin its online version, states that Italian methane costs a third of the European average And even Italy exports. Our country possesses a great abundance of them, thanks
storage full and a savings plan: In view of this, operators stand Selling in areas where prices are high.
Still though thus To understand whether there will be Interest in the billalso because with such a fickle trend, everything can Change in a few weeks.
data humpThe national network operator is clear: on September 28They have arrived 25 million cubic meters of gas at the Tarvisio entry point, 18 of which were exported and 7 held in stock. Ago Inventory reserves are 90% full Two-thirds of Russia’s methane has been replaced by Algeria, Norway and Azerbaijan Italian market Results in Additional production In fact, it is possible Lower prices.
Be careful to suggest that there will be a file Strong bill savings: Sarah ARERA (Energy, Network and Environment Regulatory Authority) to determine the cost And this sudden phenomenon for a few days will not be able to
Consequences for tariffs. However, if the price list will remain Similar to weeksAnd theThen yes we can have winter Some benefits.