A few steps towards the objectives of the agreement Paris subordinate 2015, despite the announcement of the end of state funding in Coal-fired power plants At the end of the 2021. The Prime Minister of the Group of Twenty contradictions Mario Draghi He comes out of the hat committing to save Italy: the government, in fact, tripled green fondue climate, to reach 1.4 billion annually over the next five years. For the rest, an official document appeared from the summit of Rome that disappointed many. The G20 cyclists are considered a “successful summit”. But on top of the fight against climate change, UN Secretary-General Antonio GuterresHe commented: “Hopes were not fulfilled, but they were not buried.”
The truth is that countries G20 I m truly late And the pace, for many, will remain slow. Regardless of the Italian announcement, it remains so $100 billion Year to 2025 (Nothing More) Fund to Support Developing Countries in Countering Policies weather changes. Variations over time to reach unchanged carbon neutrality, that also does not mean zero emissions, but only a zero balance between emissions and absorption. At the G20 in Rome, the hoped-for agreement on 2050, but in the final document we rely on the succinct “inside or About mid-century”. Draghi explains: “Commit a little more towards 2050.” In this regard, the words of the Russian Foreign Minister enlighten Sergey Lavrov: “2050 is not a magic number, if this is the ambition of the European Union, other countries have Other ambitions“. as well as on the obligation to limit global warming below a threshold 1.5 degrees, after the second day of the summit marked indiscretion, confirmation arrives in the 20-page document 61 points (many of which are for climate): “We remain committed to the Paris Agreement goal of keeping average global temperature rise well below 2°C and continuing efforts to limit 1.5°C below pre-industrial levels.”
final document – The principle is that of common responsibilities but disparate and capabilities of each in the light of different national conditions. Translator: Everyone does what they can. A step forward compared to Paris, he remembers Angela Merkel, but risks staying on paper: “We recognize that the impacts of climate change at 1.5°C are much less than 2°C. Maintaining the 1.5°C target within reach will require meaningful and effective actions and commitments from all countries.” It means “developing clear national tracks that are in line with long-term ambition and short- and medium-term goals.” Only these too, in the words of the Russian minister, are not “magic numbers”. And it would be difficult to stay below the 1.5 degree threshold (but also 2 degrees), without more ambitious commitments and without staying consistent with actions. Because even if we remember the need to help emerging and low-income countries in particular to meet the costs of transition, the goal of common mobilization $100 billion Annually by 2020 (not yet implemented) and annually until 2025 to meet the needs of developing countries.
EstimatedOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development The target “should be achieved by 2023”. Italy was missing a billion euros compared to 4 billion From the promised dollars in Paris for this period 2015-2020Without looking beyond it 3 billion euros Year, starting next year, to ensure their fair share“ collective commitment. In this direction, a small step has been taken. But, going back to the goals of the 20 countries, there is no common understanding on when to carbon neutrality. Russia, in particular, is setting foot in and making it almost a diplomatic issue. The country “will try to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060Lavrov added, stressing that the 2050 goal was agreed upon within the framework of the work G7. For the Moscow minister it was “inappropriate” to introduce him to the G-20, he was not “respectful to other G-20 countries”. Words outdated compared to data, even the most recent released at COP26: A World Meteorological Organization (WMO) report reveals that extreme weather events are indeed the new normal today.
Difficult Witness Passage – In short, in the end there was no agreement between the twenty forces responsible together80% emissions and now, with these buildings, the annual United Nations climate conference, and policeman 26 Glasgow. Where we agree should be roughly two hundred countries. At the beginning of the day, Draghi said: “We have different opinions about how quickly we need to start acting. Emerging economies are resentful of rich countries for what they polluted in the past and are calling for financial aid to support this transformation. We must listen to these concerns and act accordingly, but we cannot sacrificing our collective ambition.” But at the end of the day, there was a wave of hope: “With this summit, we made sure that our dreams were still alive, but now we must make sure that we turn them into reality. I would like to thank the activists who keep us on the right track. Many say they are tired of the gloom, And I think this summit was full of substance.”
Also in Cop 26, meanwhile it is already playing, Patricia EspinosaExecutive Secretary of the United Nations Climate Convention (uncovered) optimistic: “The success of COP26 is entirely possible because we have a plan of action, an agreement ParisHe added: “To those countries that have presented new and updated Ndc (National contributions to decarbonization), emissions are expected to decrease from 2030Except that already in the report 2018, the intergovernmental panel on climate change (Ipcc) warned that the world will be even 2030 To prevent the planet from reaching the critical threshold 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. The August 2021 report is even more stringent: “Unless there are immediate, rapid, and widespread reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, limiting warming to around 1.5°C or even 2°C would be an off-track goal.” Lower growth from 2030 is not exactly what is meant by “INSTANT DISCOUNTSAccording to these predictions, as the Secretary of State in the Biden administration noted, Anthony Blink“Commitments for 2050 don’t matter, we won’t get there if we don’t take measures by the end of this decade.”
interactions – The reactions of activists and environmental organizations are much less positive. “From the G-20 in Rome, we expected more concrete responses and actions at the forefront of the fight against the climate crisis,” he explains. Stefano Siavani, National President of Legambiente, who considers that “this is an agreement that formalizes what has already been obtained without stipulating concrete commitments on climate finance”. Greenpeace is calling for a faster and more ambitious plan of action. according to Jennifer MorganGreenpeace International, executive director, said, “If the G20 is a dress rehearsal for COP26, world leaders have not proven themselves equal,” while in Glasgow “countries like Australia and Saudi Arabia must be isolated.” For the Co-National Spokesperson for Green Europe, Angelo Bonelli, “The outcome of the G-20 for the future of the planet was a tragic disaster.” “With the brakes put by China, India, Russia and Saudi Arabia, the Renzi rise – he comments – and the shame of the United States and Europe, it will not be possible to stop warming within the 1.5 degree threshold, and this will make it impossible to achieve at least net zero emissions by 2050.” And the WWF talks about limited progress, for example, “to reverse biodiversity loss by 2030”. We expected more from the G-20 countries, which are responsible for 78% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Now they have to increase their National Goals and Plans (NDCs) for 2030 – comments Manuel Pulgar Vidal, Responsible for Climate and Energy at WWF International and Chair of COP20 – so that the gap in the current ambition to limit global temperature increase to 1.5°C is bridged, and structural policy-making.”