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You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Spazio Montanaro 2, suburban urban renewal through art

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The art of illuminating the darkness Ignite the spark which leads to run Deep relationship between people even in the most difficult and fragile contexts. The cultural initiatives How communication tool which show even in the most disadvantaged suburbs of our great cities that another state is possible, just as there can be dialogue with the other districts of the city. Among those looking to fly the spark, at Barrera district of Milan in Turinexist Christine Pistolitothe recently opened performance artist Montanaro area 2 (as indicated by the name, heir to the former Spazio Montanaro, which was located on the same street but at a different street number), place Technical installations and accommodation for performers And creative people in various fields, from Music to me stage in graphic arts And not only. She was the first to set an example by arranging this place series of peeps collected by mobile phone inside the homes of the residents of the neighborhood, One of the “difficult” areas of Turinbetween drug dealing and the safety problems that the municipality wants to address 25 million euros of investmentalong with the Aurora neighborhood, especially with Services for university students.

The “world” of Barrera

barrier A historic working-class district in the capital of Piedmontwhich developed in the era of big industry, “sort of district-townwhere is the Craft shops From families of workers created life and relationships, ”explains Pistoletto, grandson and daughter of art and who in turn introduced herself Urban artist, to This area to the north of Turin has undergone a strong transformation, with Many businesses closeAnd the difficulty of creating job opportunities and the problem of drug trafficking. However, Barrera’s character is not just about fragility, as the artist points out: “The narrative we know about this neighborhood is already linked to aspects that already exist, but another description has been left out. Already here A melting pot of cultures and vitalityThere are many young people and with the passage of time, many artists, even from abroad, have come close to getting to know this world.

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in a renewed direction

And in this world Pistoletto participates in Neighborhood renewal. Before the pandemic, he opened his first Spazio Montanaro, at No. 8 of the street where he lived, “to reopen the shutters where they were pulled down,” he says. Then this initiative followed by MainIn partnership with the neighborhood house and community centre Via Baltea3 call for young artists who The spaces of seven commercial establishments are closed them to reopen, carrying out their activities, from theater to poetry, from music to performances. “It was a project he wanted to impact entry into regenerative trendbeyond any economic rhetoric.

Space to experiment

With the pandemic, the world has stopped and now the Pistoletto is starting again with Spazio Montanaro 2, not far from the previous location. “I’m not a gallery owner, this space I run now is A place available for those who want to experimentIt is a place of residence for artists who will use it according to their choices and their creative and communicative skills. Now I am hosting a theater troupe guys, rescue projectwho had previously held a workshop in the former space.” The first of Spazio Montanaro’s second act was the installation of interior photographs taken by Pistoletto herself, printed on Signed and numbered limited edition wallpaperwhich shows visitors a series of room glimpses. “These shots are so big and giving The impression that one room always leads to anotherThe author explains, “The idea behind it is to be able to offer people work, at a modest cost, that, once they get into their home, opens them up to encounter someone else’s space.” This is how art connects and creates connections.

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The violin, track and violin are made from recycled plastic

“Art, which is something spiritual, can become a real tool for communication between people,” Pistolito continues, Art is also a tool that allows you to renewHow is renewal Educational violin Made from l recycled plastic StraTivari, in honor of the famous violinist from Cremonese and Luthier Antonio Stradivari, a project aimed at children. The idea of ​​the Artistic Academy for Children and Adolescents is conceived for young children, an idea we are working on with Maria Chiara Guerra, with the support of the members of the Council for the Township and Culture of the Municipality of Turin.

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