Home science Soulmates, according to science

Soulmates, according to science

Soulmates, according to science

Goethe called them optional connections and on this particular link, he even wrote one of his most famous novels, of which we are so commonly spoken. twin Spirit. In romantic love we mean that special bond between two persons who find fullness and meaning in each other, in short, their perfect completeness. We believe that choosing who will be our partner is based on instinct, and recent studies have shown that in reality Soulmates are not abstract concepts, but they also exist for science.

as explained by Washington Post Psychiatrist Amir Levine, co-author of the book “Attachment: The new science of adult bonding and how it can help you find and keep loveScientists have identified a neural circuit that allows humans to do this Mark a place in the crowd, raise it above all others, and live with them for the rest of their lives. “The wonderful thing to me is that we are all unique – explains the doctor -. DNA is unique. Our faces are unique. Our brains are unique. However, we all have the brain’s neural circuit to see someone else more special than anyone else. What happens when we make someone special? That way it becomes more valuable than others.”

Soulmates exist, according to science

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He continues: The million-dollar question: How does the spark happen, and why are we attracted to some people and not others? The laws of attraction are not fully understood.” According to some psychological theories of Freudian inspiration, we are looking for something in the other that is in some way reminiscent of our parents, but in a stricter pharmacological vision. Much affinity lies in sight and smell. As with animals – Levine gives the example of rodents that are monogamous – Body odor is one of the essential elements of human approach and interaction as well as one of the aspects that can help keep the relationship alive. Research has shown that when they look at and smell a person, that person begins to exist and understand us as well.

Soulmates exist

The sense of smell also dictates the choice of friendships.

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Biologically, close friendships also fall into this type of bond. “People who become close friends often have a direct affinity with each other. We know that close friends have similar brain patterns.” This year, a study was published in Sciences She found that “close friends smell more like people who haven’t formed a close relationship.” This association also remains strong in our brain’s olfactory memory. This explains why It takes a long time for us to forget someone we were attached to and heal from the pain of love, whether it’s the end of a story or bereavement..

Soulmates exist

For science, love does not know age because the olfactory memory that we keep for the partner is very important.

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Fortunately, our “sixth sense”, if we want to call it, allows us to replicate a similar bond with other people, which is why biologically, We can have more than one soul mate in our lives, regardless of age. Adds the psychiatrist, who invites you to look around for confirmation: “Some people think that there is only one soul mate in our lives. But that stops you from thinking that you can find someone else after a breakup and be happy.” There seem to be many completely different couples, even by date of birth, but so similar that we really hope love knows no age. And this time the confirmation comes from science.


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