1 – Admission to further studies and studies – specific rules for the running of universities (Article 45, Article 93 and Article 96 of the Law)
The law provides solutions that allow universities to define specific rules for their organization and operation In view of the need to allow the study of studies conducted by people who were forced to leave the country due to hostilities on the territory of Ukraine:
- Allow Polish universities to enroll on the basis of a special provision (Article 45) – for the purpose of continuing education – Polish citizens and Ukrainian citizens who as of February 24, 2022 are students at a university operating in Ukraine, even in a special case, that is, when they do not have documents confirming their education yet . The regulation states that appropriate study periods for such persons can be determined by checking the learning outcomes achieved. To this end, it is necessary to submit a declaration that on February 24, 2022, the applicant for admission to the studies studied in a particular academic year in a specific field of study and level of study at a university operating in Ukraine must have no documents certifying periods of study, passing exams or Credits or vocational training issued by this university. Then, the university at which the student applies for admission checks the learning outcomes achieved. The rules for conducting this verification are established by the university independently e These are special rules, separate from those that were in effect in the University Rules prior to February 24, 2022. If differences are found in the educational path or in the learning outcomes, the university may oblige the student to combine them, among other things, by taking certain exams or completing professional courses.
- Possibility for universities to make changes to enrollment decisions already approved in the academic year. / Academic year 2023 – this will allow universities to regulate the issue of admission to studies in relation to the status of people leaving the territory of Ukraine. Changes might be, for example, lowering the grades of baccalaureate exam results for access to studies at a particular university.
- The possibility of making changes to the study regulations by September 30, 2022 to the extent necessary for the admission of subjects that as of February 24, 2022 were students at one of the universities operating in Ukraine – without prejudice to the application of certain provisions of the Law of July 20, 2018. – The Law on Higher Education and Science. In the event of such changes, it is not necessary to respect the deadline for their adoption at least 5 months before the beginning of the school year and their entry into force at the beginning of the school year. This will allow universities to define or modify the established admission procedure, by transfer, to take into account the status of people who as of February 24, 2022 were students at a university operating in Ukraine. Moreover, the deadline for agreement on the regulation with the student government in this case is 5 working days, and in the absence of such an agreement, the regulation comes into force on the basis of another resolution of the Senate adopted by a simple majority of votes. of its legal composition. .
- The president of the university may change the organization of the academic year. 2021/2022 is submitted, among others, by the University Statutes. change of examination dates for the second semester of the current academic year for all or part of student groups at the university;
- In the 2021/2022 academic year, it will also be possible to conduct university classes for full-time and part-time students to the extent necessary to allow students who as of February 24, 2022 were students at universities operating in Ukraine.
- An amendment has been made to the provision for confirmation of Polish universities to complete studies at a certain level for persons without a diploma (Article 93 of the Law). This solution will be extended to Polish citizens who entered the territory of the Republic of Poland directly from the territory of Ukraine in the period from February 24, 2022 to the date specified in the regulations issued under Art. 2 Clause 3 of the law About assistance to Ukrainian citizens in connection with an armed conflict on the territory of that country and Ukrainian citizens residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland, whose stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland is legal on the basis of Article 2 Clause 1 above the law. As a result, people without a diploma will be able to confirm their degree at a certain level through a procedure conducted by a licensed university.
These solutions will ensure that the regulations within the university can be systematically adjusted to the situation regarding the consequences of the war in Ukraine, and in particular, they will allow changes to be made to facilitate admission of Ukrainian university students to Polish universities and to adapt the organization of classes to the relevant situation. Higher education institutions, while ensuring independence, can, on the basis of the provisions envisaged, make legal changes, offering specific solutions, even if they conflict with those in force..
2. University fees
Students who are citizens of Ukraine in public universities covered by the law will not be charged for their full-time education in the Polish language..
According to art. 2 Clause 4 of the Special Law of a Ukrainian citizen covered by this Law is considered a person enjoying temporary protection in the Republic of Poland in accordance with Article 106sec. 1 of the law of June 13, 2003. Regarding the granting of protection to aliens in the territory of the Republic of Poland. There is no tuition fee for full-time study in the Polish language for a foreigner who benefits from the results of temporary protection in accordance with Art. 324 The second point 2 4 of the July 20, 2018 law – Higher education and science law. This includes the period during which Ukrainian citizens are granted temporary protection
2.1. Tuition fees for Polish citizens – medical students of universities operating in Ukraine (Article 41 of the Law)
Polish citizens who on February 24, 2022 were students at a university operating in Ukraine in the fields of medicine, medicine, dentistry, nursing, obstetrics, medical analysis, pharmacy, physiotherapy and medical emergency, and who were accepted by a Polish university in order to study in the field corresponding to their studies, will be charged for services educational related to foreign studies or studies in a foreign language in an amount not exceeding the amount documented by the student up to that time paid for these studies in universities of Ukraine.
In the 2021/2022 academic year, if these people have already paid their fees in the second semester of this year at a university operating in Ukraine before February 24, 2022, then no fees will be charged for studies or part-time studies in one of the languages..
At the request of the University which has not charged the above-mentioned fees, or has charged the said fees to a lesser extent than the fee amount for such services determined by the University, and which are provided on specified dates to the Supervising Minister of a particular University – payment for a total period not exceeding 12 semesters. Paying the vacation period granted to the student according to Article 85 seconds. The first point 3 of the July 20, 2018 law- Higher education and science law. Therefore, the period of such leave is not included in the full repayment period.
3- Student benefits and loans (Article 41 of the law).
Ukrainian citizens subject to the law will be able to apply for a social grant (Article 86 (1) (1) of the Law on Higher Education and Science) and a student loan (Article 98 (1) of the Law Higher education and science law), while the application for these benefits will be submitted on the basis of the declaration of family and financial status attached to the application.
Citizens of Ukraine subject to private law are also entitled to apply for a rector’s scholarship, a scholarship for disabled persons and their allowance in accordance with the general rules applicable in the Law on Higher Education and Foreign Studies Sciences, provided that the maximum number of allowances is an increase (Article 92 (2) of the Law Higher education and science law) that can be granted by the university.
4. Business continuity – Article 46-49 of the law
A Polish or Ukrainian citizen who has legally entered Poland as of February 24, 2022 directly from Ukraine and declares that on February 24, 2022 worked as an academic teacher at a university in Ukraine and has the professional title, academic degree and degree required in that discipline or the title of professor and relevant titles for the specified position, can Employed at the university as an academic teacher without conducting the competition referred to in art. 119 paragraphs. 1 of the law – Higher education and science law.
A Polish or Ukrainian citizen who has legally entered Poland since February 24, 2022 directly from Ukraine and declares that on February 24, 2022 he worked as a researcher and has the professional title, job title, degree in art or title of professor with relevant relevant qualifications the position can be employed in:
- Research units and other organizational units of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- Research Institute
- Centrum Łukasiewicz or an institution operating within the Łukasiewicz research network and is an institution without competition (respectively Article 91(5) of the Law of the Polish Academy of Sciences Article 43(6) of the Law) About research institutes, art. 50 seconds. 1 of the law Information about the Łukasiewicz أبحاث Research Network).
It should be noted that in accordance with the legislation already in force (Article 116 Paragraph 4 of the Law Higher education and science law) For the purposes of appointing an academic teacher, the university may specify in its statutes other than those provided for in Article 116 Paragraph 1 of the Higher Education and Science Law, the positions of academic teachers and the qualification requirements for their employment.