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She won the seat of her husband who quit over a scandal, and now it turns out he raped her-

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From Paula de Carolis

Conservative Kate Griffiths first divorces, then snatches her husband Andrew’s place, now giving up anonymity and details of a brutal marriage emerging

LONDON – Boris Johnson has been granted paternity leave, but as the Prime Minister enjoys the arrival of his daughter born on Thursday with wife Carrie and young Wilfred, The Conservative Party’s problems continue: The new crisis, in terms of image, more than anything else, given that the person in question is no longer a deputy, the concern Andrew Griffiths, who resigned in 2018 for sending violent and outspoken messages to many women. About two thousand text messages of a sexual nature, according to what appeared in the court. Thanks to the pressure of two journalists who fought for a year through legal means until the fine details of the case could be known, Now he knows that Griffiths repeatedly raped his wife During a brutal marriage, during which he pushed her to the ground while she was pregnant.

A victim for several years of a ferocious man possessed, Kate Griffiths has rebuilt a life for herself. She did not just divorce: when her ex-husband tried to run for parliament again, she took the field against him. Chosen by the Conservative Party, the lady has effectively replaced her husband in Westminster Seat Burton upon Trent in Staffordshire. Given the man’s background, the woman consequently restricted his access to her child. Perhaps it would have died there, perhaps if Griffith had not taken to the courts to see the child so often. So Kate Griffiths chose to remain anonymous Victims of sexual assault have the right to and demanded their husband’s background.

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A brave decision that many welcomed with admiration: Like Rosie Duffield, a Labor MP, she was herself a victim of domestic violence. She was an incredibly strong woman, she said, I have no words. The judge in charge of the case also wanted to honor the deputyNoting that she is not the only woman who has fallen in love with a man and endured humiliating and deadly treatments. It seems to me that Andrew Griffiths never thought that his wife did not want to give way to his sexual activities. Griffiths, he added, is a man who still does not seem to realize that his behavior corresponds to abuse. He used to rape his wife while she was sleeping, beat her, press her neck with his hands, to be called fat and lazy friends.

If for now Kate Griffiths decides not to report her ex-husband to the police, It is likely that more judicial problems loom on the horizon for the former deputy. Charlotte Brodman, the lawyer who defended Mrs. Griffiths, focused on some crucial points of the story with an article on guardian: Kate She didn’t leave her husband first because he made her think that no one would believe her. He was a deputy, she was a housewife. The Conservative Party also turned a blind eye. He suspended him, then called him into service when votes in Parliament were needed. Subsequently, the internal investigation completely acquitted him of every crime.

Dec 11, 2021 (change Dec 11, 2021 | 22:11)

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