Countdown to the three days of the science festival Live focusCreated in collaboration with MLeonardo da Vinci science and technology useum in Milan – and it will change – everyday life for all of us in the coming years.
An attentive, multifaceted, dynamic, multimedia, interactive, engaging and exciting look at the future of science and technology, space exploration and planet protection, open to the public and aimed at young and old.
“Here we are again in the fifth edition of our Knowledge Festival, a successful format that knows how to renew itself while remaining the same,” said Raphael Leon, Director of Focus. “The next few years will be crucial for the journey of man and for the planet. It is up to us to correct the portrayal of the environment, and it is up to us to change habits, innovate and invent technologies that reduce the negative impact on nature. Neither the health of the planet and therefore the health of our planet. This is why The title Orizzonti: Looking to understand how scientific research can help us achieve the goal of more sustainable progress.”
From climate to forays into space, from food to medicine, from sports to design, more than a hundred guests were invited to share their latest discoveries and innovations with the public, in existence and live on the web and social platforms. Enthusiasts and curious about technology, science, nature, medicine and innovation in the rich programme, will find many events to celebrate on the agenda.
Friday 4 November: Marcel Jacobs, Alberto Mantovani, Luca Perry, 10th Barbascura, Luca Mercalli
After the opening ceremony of the event, with the participation of Fiorenzo Galli, Director General of the National Museum of Science and Technology, the presentation of the program by the Director of Focus and the institutional salute, Marcell Jacobs, Olympic champion of the 100 meters at 10.20 will be the expected first guest speaker. The protagonist of Veloci’s novel Towards the Future, will reveal his secrets to the public: How to become the fastest man in the world? Is it really all about training? An unmissable 12-year-old chance, however, to meet Alter ego, the human-like robot developed by the Italian Institute of Technology, the center of excellence for which the world is envy and where the future is shaping, and other technologies that will change our lives. At 2pm, immunologist Alberto Mantovani will guide us to discover the extraordinary stage of knowledge advances in the medical field we are going through and the therapeutic developments in the near future, particularly for degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and aging. mental illness. At 4 p.m. astrophysicist Luca Perry will be talking about Buuu… gie.
Turn on and off the scout. Daniel Museo, Air Force presenter and weather forecaster, will focus on predictions and climate change in Che tempo che fa? At 5 pm. The mission of Blackbeard X, celebrity science and stand-up comedian to reveal the human side of scientists. Discoveries (and horrific skeletons in the closet) at 7.20pm on 6 great scientific minds, from Newton to Tesla, and from Democritus to Einstein. Concluding the first day of Focus Live will be Luca Mercalli, a meteorologist and ensemble for the Milan Symphony Orchestra with the four seasons beginning with a question: What would Antonio Vivaldi have composed if he lived today, filled with man-made climate change?
Saturday 5 November: Guido Tonelli, Roberto Battiston, Mario Tozzi, Stefano Boeri, Ersilia Vodou, Gabriella Grayson
Ten years after the discovery of the Higgs boson, what have we learned about this particle? And what is left to be discovered? To hear the answers, an appointment on Saturday 5 November at 10 am with the “God Particle” and the Secrets of the Universe with CERN physicist Guido Tonelli. At 10.35, physicist Roberto Battiston will also provide tools to better understand the world through the eyes of science. Mario Tozzi, in his unmistakable style, at 11.15 am will bring the Focus Live audience to discover the most fascinating aspects of the Mare Nostrum, the Mediterranean, on a journey through history, myth and science. Afternoon at 4pm Stefano Boeri, architect, and Ersilia Voddo, ESA’s Chief Diversity Officer, will take us from stars to rooms to talk about a sustainable future. Saturday evening’s special event is a double date to remember, ten years after her death, Rita Levi-Montalcini, the only Italian scientist to be awarded a Nobel Prize. At 8.30 pm with his niece Pera and Alberto Cabello, authors of A Dream Under the Microscope, his extraordinary life will be remembered: from carefree childhood to racial laws, from studies in Turin to relationships with a united, cultured and extremely full of talents family. At 9.00 pm, physicist and actress Gabriella Grayson will present a new show called “#maestre”, dedicated to the great scientists of the 20th century.
Sunday November 6: David Monacci, Adriano Fontana, Paolo Nespoli, Space4InspirAction, Barbara Gallavotti, Telmo Pievani
The bulletin board on the last day of Focus Live, Sunday 6 November, which opens at 10 with journalist Federico Tadía and climate scientist Elisa Balzzi, in a two-voice dialogue on climate change, is also rich. Instead, it will be a journey to discover the sounds of places at high risk of disappearance. Acoustic Noah’s Ark by David Monachi, a multidisciplinary artist, composer, president of the non-profit organization Fragments of Extinction and an acoustic archaeologist (2.35 p.m.). From the Wonders of the Earth, we travel to space at 3.15pm with The Wonders of the Webb Space Telescope told by astrophysicist Adriano Fontana. From space conquests to courage in the face of adversity at 4 p.m., the program proposes never stop dreaming, the extraordinary life and practical experience of astronaut Paolo Nespoli.
A space for design at 5 pm with projects by students of the Space4InspirAction course of the School of Design at Politecnico di Milano created to focus on the Star Track initiative. Solutions to make spirulina cultivable in the lunar environment and to facilitate the work of astronauts with disabilities. Project presentation by Annalisa Dominoni and Benedetto Quaquaro, course lecturers. With biologist Barbara Galafoti, at 6 p.m., there’s time to pause and reflect on the now fragile (and threatened) relationship between man and nature during Invisible Borders, while at 6.45 p.m. on Focus Live, paleontologist Cristiano will step up. Del Sasso and three dinosaurs … visible to the audience thanks to virtual reality viewers.
Telmo Pievani will conclude the festival at 7.30pm, providing food for reflection on the paradox of progress. Laboratories, pavilions and scientific demonstrations For all those who prefer training to conferences and theoretical meetings, the place of contact is the area dedicated to the facilities of the Museum of Science and Technology of Milan. Indeed, between the entrance on the main podium and the talk in the speakers’ corner, it will be possible to browse the various stands. Airc researchers will answer questions about cancer and a series of interactive games will help assess the importance of prevention.
Saturday 6 November, as a testimony of the Italian Society for Cancer Research, Benedetta Parodi will also be present. In the listed workshops (by Mondadori Education and Facts, Not Fakes!) you’ll experience everyday chemistry but also the future. In the stands of the Italian Air Force, you can enter the cockpit of a military aircraft, experience an ejection seat and even learn how to make weather forecasts. Metaverso Experience – a digital scientist created by Pulsee Luce e Gas in collaboration with Looperspace and Wavemaker – organizes visits to the Solar System on a spaceship: a real mission to steal the secrets of the Sun, Saturn and other celestial bodies by looking at them. close.
In addition to the journey into the metaverse, you can try your hand at a walk on Mars with the Martian Gravity Simulator, or stand next to Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in the Apollo 11 simulator for Virtual Immersions in Science. With the virtual reality of the Way Experience, on the other hand, close encounters with dinosaurs are planned, as well as a walk inside a painting by Monet and a journey through time to study the biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands alongside Charles Darwin.
Finally, major life-saving maneuvers will be taught in the Humanitas University Pavilion. Finally, for children, there will be the children’s area created by Focus Junior, with experiences, workshops and meetings held with partners Mondadori Education, Ricercaamondo – Henkel and Bicocca University.
How to participate
With live.focus.it it is possible to discover the full schedule and book to participate in appointments. The events were divided into two periods: morning (10-14) and noon (14-20). Those wishing to stay all day can book tickets for half a day. Two evening shows will have a separate ticket, always free. On the Focus website and social channels, it will also be possible to follow the entire festival with three days of live broadcasts and special contents.
Focus Live was also achieved thanks to the support of several institutions: Aeronautica Militare, Afru, Apnea Academy, Asi, Civico planetario “Ulrico Hoepli”, Enea, Esa, Italian Army, IIT, Inaf, Marina Militare, Mars Planet, Milan Symphony Orchestra, Milan Polytechnic Anna School of Advanced Studies, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, University of Milan Bicocca, University of Trento, VIS – Virtual Immersion in Science, Way Experience, WWF.
The full program is available at: https://live.focus.it/palinsesto/
Last update: Tuesday, November 1, 2022, at 19:06
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