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Musk’s news, so Twitter covered the Hunter case

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Scoop author Matt Taibbi, billionaire and journalist, wants to highlight how the system is spinning out of control without the knowledge of the social platform’s top management.

three weeks out US presidential elections affiliate 2020 Twitter played a leading role, blackout scoop New York Post On confidential emails received from Hunter Biden
The son of the Democratic candidate Joe Biden. And the process could have, most likely, taken place at the request of the Biden campaign team, prompting those responsible for verifying the contents of the posts to violates Some internal rules. But the impact on the campaign was at stake. The story was told on Twitter in a very long thread by freelance journalist Matt Tibi, a collaborator with the magazine. Rolling stoneswhose scoop It was announced just over an hour ago by Elon Musk, with a series of posts that have sent millions of followers of the billionaire and owner of the social network shuddering.

Secret internal files will be made available to the network. What appeared a structured system Monitoring and reviewing tweets, even based on detailed requests from Washington: A good hypothesis is that they have a direct relationship with the Twitter censorship team BOTH partiesAnd the White House itself, during the era of Donald Trump, submitted requests to censor some publications and accounts, and the requests were met and responded to. But the reporter suggests that it should end up with reviewers imprudence their intervention on behalf of the Democrats, given that the vast majority of the staff were Democratic campaign donors.

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What Al-Misk and Al-Tibi want to highlight in the name of the system He went out of control, even without the knowledge of the platform’s top management. Jack Dorsey, then CEO of Twitter, in an internal email called for a cover-up of the news Hunter Biden more serious From the same story. Posting a screenshot of the email leads Thebes to make a huge mistake for the journalist, which is Privacy violation: Pictured, Dorsey’s mail was left exposed, and he deleted it when opening emails, but it remained in the message queue. The photo was subsequently deleted, but most likely, as people on the web were prepared, it was no longer classified.

a I stumble In the story of light and shadow. The journalist talks about a Frankenstein-like story of a mechanism built by humans that escaped the control of its designers. But for now, Taibah says, no one knows for sure if the story of Hunter Biden’s emails was the result of the pirate Or, as it will become clear later, it appeared only because He was the candidate’s son I forgot the computer in a repair shop. But in the end, and perhaps not quite as well as Musk had hoped, it’s the kids who come out of it stronger Former senior management Twitter, because Dorsey appears as the one who didn’t like the collusion between the controllers and staff of the two campaigns.

Dec 3, 2022 (changed on Dec 3, 2022 | 04:54)

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