Home science Lifetime cloud storage at up to 85% off with pCloud

Lifetime cloud storage at up to 85% off with pCloud

Lifetime cloud storage at up to 85% off with pCloud

there pCloud Christmas Deal Promotion Give one away Up to 85% discount For one Lifetime cloud storage Safe and easy to use. Prices start From 499 euros (instead of 1,700 euros) for the 2TB Family Plan, thanks to a 71% discount, and up to 1,169 euros (instead of 7,600 euros) for the 10TB Family Plan, thanks to an 85% discount.

Today pCloud is one of The most secure cloud services in Europe. The basis for this is its headquarters in Switzerland, a country where the law on processing personal data is among the most stringent in the European Union. Another strong point is ease of use, as well as excellent compatibility with all major devices in use today.

pcloud family 2tb for life

Lifetime secure cloud storage is available thanks to pCloud

Life plan My Cloud 2TB Family It allows you to have 2TB cloud space forever and share the account with five other users. Additionally, OneDrive, Google Photos, Google Drive, Facebook, and Dropbox backups are included.

On the subject of security, another leading service offered by the Swiss-based company is TLS/SSL protocol. The latter is used when a user transfers one or more files from their device to pCloud servers. This way no one will know what data is in the cloud, not even pCloud employees.

Take advantage of pCloud's Christmas deal promo: Connect to this page and click on the banner at the top right. After a few seconds the display screen will appear.

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