Generali on the swing in Piazza Affari, on the day of the shareholder meeting. Good performance of ENI after the quarterly report. Tenaris jump stand out
The main indices of the Italian Stock Exchange and the main European financial markets They closed in a positive area The last session of the week.
The FTSEMib It gained 0.82% to 24,252 points after it fluctuated between a minimum of 24,129 points and a maximum of 24,409 points. However, for the whole week, the Italian Stock Exchange’s main index lost 0.11%. until the FTSE Italia all participated It made a progress of 0.82%. Similar performance to FTSE Italia medium hat (+ 0.81%) and for The star of FTSE Italia (+0.96%). And in the April 29, 2022 session, the trading value fell to 2.1 billion euros, compared to 2.21 billion on Thursday.
It’s 17.30 Bitcoin It had settled at $39,000 (less than 37,000 euros).
The BTP-Bund spread It ranged from 180 to 185 points.
L ‘euro It’s back under $1,055.
public On the swing in Piazza Avari (+0.56% to €18.1). The insurance company’s shareholders meeting approved the financial statements for the year 2021 and elected the board of directors who will remain in office for a period of three years, until approval of the financial statements on December 31, 2024; The Board of Directors will consist of 13 members. In detail, the list presented by the outgoing board of directors – the majority list – received 55.99% of the vote.
where are you It recorded an increase of 1.76% to 13.39 euros. The six-legged dog told me Financial results for the first quarter of 2022, a period when the oil giant benefited from a more favorable economic context. Thus, the ENI highlighted a strong improvement in revenue and profitability. Management also provided some financial and operational indicators for the full year 2022.
Jump Tenaris (+5.26% up to €14.81). Some investment banks revised the company’s target price with an increase after the release of the results of the first quarter of 2022.
positive close of Intesa San Paulo (+1.5% up to 1.9548 euros). The meeting of the shareholders of the Institute approved the financial statements for the year 2021, and appointed a new Board of Directors that will remain in office for the three-year period 2022/2024; The Board of Directors consists of 19 members. Furthermore, the shareholders approved a new plan to purchase and dispose of treasury shares with a view to canceling a maximum of 2,615,384,615 treasury shares.
very very good UniCredit (+1.94%).