In the Salish Sea between British Columbia and the state of Washington, one billion marine animals have been killed in a severe heat wave affecting many parts of North America. In Canada, the maximum temperature ever recorded in the country was close to 50 C.

Direct “cooked” muscles melted by extreme temperatures in Canada. Credit: Chris Harley / University of British Columbia / CBC
The Hell temperature They have invaded North America and destroyed at least one Billion marine animals In the Salish Sea, a branchPacific Ocean Located between British Columbia (Canada) And the US state of Washington. Embracing the Straits of Georgia, the Juan de Foucault Strait and the Phuket Sound on this rich waterfront – a spectacular network of canals – a The smell of nauseaDue to the enormous biomass of decaying organisms, they are cooked alive and killed by unbearable temperatures, sometimes even more 40 C.
To understand how dramatic the situation is in Canada, think of the British Columbia Coroners service in recent days. He contacted Ben died suddenly between June 25 and July 1 in the province 777 people. According to experts, this was accurateIntense heat wave It hit the Northwest United States. “Thermal dome“- daughter Climate change – It has reached record temperatures. In the town of LyttonThen destroyed by fire 50 C: Never Mercury column She has grown so much in Canada. But there are many Canadian and American territories that have not seen the Pacific Ocean, which have reached dramatic peaks in recent days. It was a frantic temperature, as it was easily imagined Slaughter of animals. Its inhabitants pay a high price Wavelength zone (Or Mesolitoral plane), I.e. the coastal area is strongly affected Waves. When there are creatures that live in this strange ecosystem Low tide They are exposed to the sun, and if temperatures average 10-15 degrees Celsius higher than the maximum they can withstand in the short term, they will die en masse.
To sound the alarm about the catastrophic effects of the heat wave on marine animals, Professor Chris Harley, professor of marine biology at the University of British Columbia. The scientist traveled with his students from Kitsilano Beach in western Vancouver to several coastal beaches in Salish from the Sunshine Coast. Wherever he went he saw nothing but the expanse of rotting creatures and the unbearable smell. Use it more Bivalve molluscs Such as clinging to rocks Clams, Exposed to the hellish temperatures of the heat dome without being able to move. But many have lost their lives Sheds, மட்டி, Sea snails, Star fish And other Invertebrates. “A muscle on the shore is like a child somehow left in a car on a hot day,” said Professor Harley. The Star And CBC News. “It will stick there until the parents return, or in this case, until the wave returns. There is very little they can do. I am at the mercy of the environment. Their flesh is so hot that it is peeled and melted into wide open tiles.
The high temperature in the American river cooked the salmon alive
The scientist explained, about two thousand muscles fit on a hop scale; Considering the size of the unseen habitat over the Salish Sea, the number of animals killed by the heat wave Simply enormous And often underestimated. To make its impact even more dramatic Environmental disaster As a result the quality of seawater decreases, as does the intermediate environment of mussels and other mollusks Filters. It has risen significantly due to extreme atmospheric temperatures 3 ° C The seawater around Vancouver Island is an impressive change that affects all marine life.
The expanded depressing scene is defined before the eyes of experts ConfusionBut totally unexpected, As stated on the CBC From Dr. Chris Newfield, a researcher at the Palmfield Marine Science Center on Vancouver Island: “It was very sad to realize that we were in this moment we had long predicted.” The danger is that due to global warming, these types of continuous heat waves, increasingly frequent and intense, the beach can not support the population of filtration organisms, which has a dramatic impact overall. Marine environment. Scientists explain that the only way to prevent further disasters is to combat climate change by mitigating it. Carbon emissions In the atmosphere.
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