Home Economy Here’s how to go from G class to C node power class.

Here’s how to go from G class to C node power class.

Here’s how to go from G class to C node power class.

It’s coming from European Commission directing can It obligates all owners from Issue to move to More advanced power classes by 2033. In Italy, in this way, 11 million buildings are at risk, with 87.9% of Class D properties or worse. The directive requires states to introduce rules to prohibit sales andLeasing From buildings starting from 2027 (for apartments, standards will start instead 2030), did not reach the required minimum energy efficiency.

This minimum will be E level starting in 2027, energy class D, starting in 2030, and finally, class D C from January 1, 2033. Finally, from 2035, all real estate in the country will have to comply with the new standards. but How do you get to class C?

Energy efficiency, moving from class G to class E.

Scrolling through real estate sales notifications in any Italian city, he notices that most of the ads indicate a Energy class G, the lowest. It is also true that in Italy there are many construction sites in the context of energy efficiency thanks to Superbonos Del 110%. But costs are high and deadlines are tight. In everything there There are 10 energy classes: A4, A3, A2, A1, B, C, D, E, F, G. A4 is the most efficient while G is the worst. To go from the latter to E, a series of interventions can be made using the bonus created by the government of Conte II e Confirmed by CEO Draghi.

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If it is a single-family detached building, then the solution that can immediately guarantee the double jump in the class, as well as respect the requirements for the interventions of the leadership in the Superbonus 110%, isHybrid system installation (with heat pump with condensing boiler). Not only this: a photovoltaic system is also needed, but without the need to interfere with the building envelope. over there The heat pump is only rated in a Class G . building: It can guarantee a double class jump, but in cold periods the performance can be very low, which leads to high consumption and bills.

On the other hand, if you have a condominium with a central heating system, you will need to build Thermal coat over a large portion of the surface, but also introduced a hybrid system in combination with photovoltaics. Finally, for apartments with autonomous heating, You can’t work in the boiler room, so the only driving intervention that can be done is thermal coating on at least 25% of the dispersion surface. But the double jump will probably be useful as well intervene in a good number of independent systems, Replace them with new condensing systems or heat pumps.

How to get to degree C

However, to meet the criteria of the 2033 EU directive, more will be required. In homes with energy class C on all radiators are present Low Inertia Thermal Valves With indirect thermometry. And again: a condensing boiler is required, a replacement of the circulation pump is required to reduce flow rates and electricity consumption, as well as depending on the situation. Attic insulation with high-quality thermal insulation.

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This leads to the energy performance index EPgl, including RIN Between 1.20 and 1.50 kWh/m2 annually. At this point, if you want to go to Class B “only” replace File doors and windows outside the house.

Problem: Range bonuses

So far, to do the work, there is an economic coverage of Superbonus 110%, but in the coming years the cost of efficiency interventions will only be partially supported by the state through contributions which, gradually, will decrease by up to 65%. However, the sales ban mentioned in the draft European directive is not absolute. There is a way to sell or rent your property: you have to commit to reaching the energy class indicated in the directive Within three years of signing the deed of sale or lease agreement.

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