The Red Ayres beat France 2-1. The procedure for determining third place remains to be determined
the curtain fallsEuropean Paredes with the victory of Spain, second in a row after La Coruña 2018, ninth in the last 11 editions. The Red Ayres were right 2-1 on one France Tough, never tamed, he took the lead in the seventh minute of the second half with a superb goal from Bruno Di Benedetto. The French showed another great performance, but they were caught by the penalty kick by Galician Carballera. The confrontation lasted for 50 minutes and additional time was needed to determine the winner. The immortal Tony Perez, one of the most persistent men in the world, was decisive. His goal secured a victory for Spain, who did not show significant signs of manhood until the final.
a trip Captian formation It was quite capricious and without obvious victories: after the draw against the Azzurri, the Red Fury suffered from the fireworks of Portugal 10-9, which showed great fragility in the final. He got 6 points against Andorra and Germany (5-1 to the Iberians in the final for fifth), Spain reached France with a controversial score and absorbed 3-1 for an apparent organizational glitch, allowing both teams to capture the final chapter without a fight in the right track. Without a doubt, Spain has an absolute quality roster and has shown flashes of great hockey, as happened in the central stage of the match against Lusitani, when they went from 2-4 to 9-7, with a solid 7-3 part, dragged by the class. By Ignacio Apart. His victory goes to the records, but he cannot carry the connotations of his victory.
A completely different kind of pasta performance of the FrenchThey are able to achieve the best result in their history. Alpine lines were expected on the “upper floors” for several years and today the growth is evident. The maturity of the three Di Benedetto brothers, Carlo (in force in Porto, named the best player in the European Championship), Roberto (in Liceo A Coruña) and Bruno (Lida), along with the progress of Hermann (Juventud Viana) and the impressive performance of Bono (Spanish), Who was awarded the best goalkeeper award in this event.
Too bad for not disagreeing in the final for third place between Italy and Portugal, was skipped due to the positivity of Joao Rodriguez and Magalhães, whose health conditions do not appear to be a concern today. Blue goalkeeper Ricardo Gnata categorically considers “it is better to play and lose than to stay like this, with something hanging. It is as if the European Championship is only partially over. This is unfortunate”. It is not certain whether the bronze-worthy race will be recovered And rumors about the possibility of giving up Third place by virtue of justice It seems likely. The Italian and Luzzitan leagues have already been squeezed and it will be necessary to upset the OK Liga as well, given the toughening in Barcelona from Joao Rodrigues and Helder Nunes. But a decision will be made in the coming weeks. In the case of missed repetitions, Italy will reach the fourth continental bronze after those reached by the under-17, the 19 and the women’s. The girls will conclude the Blue Season, with the Under-17 actor taking to the track in Luso, also in Portugal, from December 16-19, signifying another small sign of a growing movement.
European Championships Final
Spain 2-1 France (0-0, 1-1)
Spain: Grau C, Barroso, Panadero, Alabart, Bargallo (C) – Font, Aragones, Perez, Carballeira, Malian – Coach: Cabestany
France: Bonneau, Benedict C (C), Benedict R, Benedict B Herman – Le Berre, Savreux L, Debrouver, Gefflot, Audelin- Coach: Savreux F
Goals ST 7’34 “Bruno Di Benedetto (Fra), 14’20” Carballeira (Spa) – 2nd extra time 2’17” Perez (Spa)
Written by Paolo Verdi, Collaborator at the Hockey League Press Office of the Italian National Circuit
Photo at Antonio Lopez (WSE)