Home Tech Dead Space Remake, Preview – Nerd4.life

Dead Space Remake, Preview – Nerd4.life

Dead Space Remake, Preview – Nerd4.life

In the preview of Dead Space, we will talk about the great graphics and sound, but also about many new surprises that await you in this amazing new version.

Show us Electronic Arts in Dead Space Preview, Remake A survival horror that in 2008 left an indelible mark in the memories of fans of horror and science fiction. The graphics have been rebuilt using the Frostbite engine, the sound has been greatly improved and the adventure is enriched with many new surprises, and fortunately the gameplay remains the same as it was fourteen years ago…

playing in space

Dead Space: If you remember the original this way, maybe it's time for a refresher...
Dead Space: If you remember the original this way, maybe it’s time for a refresher…

And it’s great to be back today, as publishers slowly realized that removing all forms of complexity from video games was starting to backfire. The best thing about Dead Space Remake is its own be game 2008It is designed and built without fear of frightening users too much either with the actual action or by using very complex puzzles, or the level design is not satisfied with two cross paths. Keep in mind: complexity does not necessarily mean difficulty.

Dead Space had its own difficulty levels, but even choosing the easiest mode in the game never treated you like an idiot, and it remained satisfying and in its own way. curvy delightful. Dead Space, the original like this remake, prefers to believe that if you start it because you too are willing to play with it, you didn’t take the pillow in your hand because you’re bored or have thirty minutes to throw it away. . But if you raise that difficulty level…

Dead Space can become a real nightmare. The game’s enemies are necromorphs, anomalous creatures that live on dead bodies by paralyzing and reinventing their shapes, similar to what happened in the unforgettable John Carpenter movie. to necromorph There is one everywhere, while Isaac Clarke has only one, and he is not even a warrior, soldier, or policeman; He doesn’t even have proper weapons, this poor demon doesn’t even have a weapon and is forced to basically use miner’s equipment. But it could have been much worse for the cook: Isaac’s tools are actually designed to carve rocks and gemstones, so they align so well with even skinned bones from anthropomorphs that we can meticulously mutilate them so as not to pose a threat.

In this new version, the developers entrusted part of the direction to Artificial intelligence regulates the severity of what we encounter on our way Revolutionizing the atmosphere of the game in real time, for example by working on lights, sound and combat, as well as changing the type and number of skins that will await us along the way.

Welcome to Ishimura

This mainly happens inside the station Ichimura, now at the mercy of this disastrous alien infection. Hull tubes beep, lights come and go, many vital systems are out of order and will have to be reactivated throughout history.

The work I did EA Motive Praiseworthy: the details have increased significantly, but the character of the place has remained unchanged. It seems like the game has always been this way, but that’s definitely not the case and a quick review is enough to make it happen.

In a remake, Ishimura Continuous, load-free environment, while the entire adventure will continue in one consecutive shot. To make the game even better, at least we hope that new rooms, new corridors, new secrets and knowledge multiplied through new documentation and an improved environmental narrative have been added. There will also be new dialogues and Isaac Clarke will be back to speak just as he did in Dead Space 2 and 3. New weapons have been introduced, and as already said during the first wave of information, necromancers now consist of several layers of flesh, muscle and bone that will realistically and gradually collapse under our blows.

Loyal to the end?

The new version of Dead Space also introduces new rooms, new weapons and new secrets
The new version of Dead Space also introduces new rooms, new weapons and new secrets

Dead Space Remake seems to be keeping its faith in its promise to make the current game, without distorting it, a game that has now become an all-round classic. The graphic aspect of this new version has a unique strength, but even though it has been rebuilt with a new engine, it still remains Fairly dated itemsLike some non-playable characters. Sound, which is no less important than polygons and textures, has all the qualifications to increase the volume of immersion, and above all fear, beyond the emergency threshold.

Starting from a high-quality game like Dead Space certainly helped the developers of this new version, but the work done should not be underestimated. What we need to understand, and can only do with the full game at hand, is whether more sensitive changes, especially those related to the difficulty balance, will be able to maintainThe essence of the original game. It would indeed be a disaster to restore Dead Space so technically well, only to tame the challenge, the strategic depth of its own battles.

Everything we’ve seen and heard about this remake of Dead Space makes us very optimistic. It would have been better if the series had never been forgotten and therefore shouldn’t be rediscovered now, but things don’t always go the way they should, and this remake presents a very interesting opportunity, to relive an adventure that is still exceptional today and to win over a generation of fans who have never heard of Dead Space. However, for the final verdict, we will have to wait until the beginning of next year: in fact Dead Space Remake will be released on January 27, a strange date for a video game …

The region

  • Ishimura has never looked so beautiful before
  • Artificial intelligence that changes the atmosphere in real time? We love it
  • Improved setup with new details and documents


  • Will he be loyal to the end or will the difficulty ease?
  • Some ‘old’ NPCs spotted
  • Will updates improve or damage the original?


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