wing. The dystopian tale “Nina de Lupi”, narrated by Alessandro Bertant, is about to become a film directed by Antonio Besso. The scenes will be shot in Alla and Vallarsa. Production, sponsored by Genoma Films with support from Trentino Film Commission and Film Work, Look for extras: many are needed, about 180, the first selection will take place on Friday 23 and Saturday 24 September, at the Sartori Theatre, from 10 to 19.
The first screening of the film and shooting for the public took place on Monday 19 September at Palazzo Pizzini in Ala. Representatives of the relevant municipal departments (beyond Ala, as well as Vallarsa), Alberto Battocchi of Trentino Film Commission, and President of Genoma Films Paolo Rossi Pisu attended with directors of photography and directing.
Filming will begin on October 4 and filming will begin in Vallarsa for the first two weeks: Malga Siebe, Arlanch, Lake Busa and Ometto will be the main locations.
Over the next four weeks, production will move to Ala; Filming will end on November 20. There will be two main locations in Ala: Palazzo Scherer for the interiors and Piazza Boncquista for the exteriors. The streets branching from the square in the heart of Vilalta will also be affected: Via Brusco, Via Rome, piazzetta Gioppa etc. On the bridge of November 1, the film will be shot at the school in Via Anzelini (with the benefit of the school holiday), and some shots will be taken at the Faggio della Regina in Lessini and in the Ronchi chapel. Palazzo Taddei will become the headquarters of the production offices, and some scenes will be filmed in its courtyard. Some scenes will be shot at night. To explain the impact of the film’s production and to avoid inconvenience as much as possible, there will soon be a meeting with the citizens of Villalta. For all four weeks, the band will stay in hotels in the area, eat at local restaurants and rely on local businesses for all of their needs.
However, “Nina de Lobi” needs additions, many additions. There are 180 people for a total of 800 people. There are many very different roles planned, from those who will only be hired for one day to those who will have to work for several shots, both in Ala and Vallarsa. The first pick will take place this weekend in Ala, on Friday 23 and Saturday 24 September, at the Sartori Theatre, from 10 to 19.
We are looking for men and women of all or nearly all ages, from 20 to 80; There is also a place for a palace, even if it is very little (6, elementary – middle age). Just bring along with an identification document. To apply, it is also possible to send the application via email ([email protected]) or by Whatsapp (349 3535463) with full photo and close-up attached, with phone contact.
The casting will take place next week in Vallarsa, at the Sant’Anna Theatre. For extras, there is a total fee of €94 per day. In addition to extras, we also welcome people who can lend a hand with photography and work alongside professionals.
Casting has already been done … Animals: for this the production got the cooperation of Paolo Siaghi, dog trainer.
The film, based on Bertante’s novel, tells of a near (or very near) future in which humanity is left without electricity and civilization is in shambles. Even, in a village in the mountains, a mysterious girl appears, in whose presence inexplicable things happen and who builds a new and strong relationship with nature. The story gives a new and unprecedented perspective on the relationship between man and nature: the wolf is not the obvious “bad wolf” of some fairy tales, quite the contrary.
The film, as explained by Rossi Besso, has the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Trentino Film Commission. “He talks about the relationship between man and nature as it can be in a world without energy” and for this production he deliberately chose Ala and Vallarsa, the lands where the wolf first appeared in Trentino. The film is designed for the general public and specifically targets young people; It was previously purchased by Sky and will be distributed in cinemas; It can develop into a chain. Rossi Besso said the Trentino shootings would last seven weeks and would have repercussions for the region “for hundreds of thousands of euros”. Extras, crew, hotels and hospitality will be included.
The cast includes many famous faces of the Italian audience: Sarah Sioca is very young Nina, then Sergio Rubini, Cesare Pucci (famous for playing the role of Montalbano’s deputy), Sandra Chicarelli, David Silvestri, Caterina Gabanella. Director Antonio Besso.