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Canada apologizes for not vaccinating ▷ Alberta’s new premier makes historic speech

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A few cracks, overseas, are getting through Wall of Silence. In their freedom, those who choose not to vaccinate are beginning to be told unfair losses. In particular, the words Daniel Smith, journalist and governor of the Canadian state of Albertahave turned their attention to those people, Because of vaccine restrictions, they lost their jobs and whose autonomy is limited by law.

A community that has faced tremendous restrictions on their freedom in the past year has chosen not to vaccinate.“, policy said in a heartfelt press conference. “I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a situation in my life where a person was fired from their job or wasn’t allowed to watch their kids play hockey or wasn’t allowed to visit a loved one in the hospital or nursing home. She was not allowed to board a plane to fly across the country to see her family Or travel across borders“.

A group of people that only Smith can express Unity: “They are the most discriminated group I have ever seen in my life. This is the most extreme discrimination we have ever seen. I’m not taking anything away from the discrimination I’ve seen in the other groups you mentioned, but it’s an extraordinary time, especially in the last year. I want people to know that I find that unacceptableThat we will not create a divisive society Based on medical examination“.

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