BancoBPM faltered after the jump in the previous session. However, the positive performance of Leonardo. minus sign for ENI
The main indices of the Italiana Stock Exchange and the main European financial centres Partial declines were recordedbefore the Fed’s monetary policy decisions.
The FTSEMib It decreased by 0.26% at 24,574 points, after swinging between 24,514 points and a high of 24,667 points. The FTSE Italia All Share lost 0.22%. A plus sign, instead, for a file Medium hat from FTSE Italia (+ 0.08%) and l Star of FTSE Italy (+0.36%). In the December 14, 2022 session, the value of trades fell to 1.48 billion euros, compared to 2.18 billion on Tuesday.
The Bitcoins He returned more than $18,000 (about 17,000 euros).
The BTP-Bund spread Exceeding 190 pips, the return on BTP for 10 years is 3.85%.
L’euro It fluctuated around $1,065.
in swing BancoBPMAfter the jump made in the previous session. Underwent the title of the institute a decrease by 0.61% at 3.268 euros.
Positive performance, however, for Leonardo (+0.39% to €7,738). The airline announced that it will make available on December 29, 2022 the full early repayment of the €500 million term loan, due in November 2023, signed in 2018.
Where is it? It recorded a decline of 1.48% to 13.61 euros. RBC Capital analysts worsened their opinion of the six-legged dog, moving it from “outperform” (it will outperform the market) to “sector perform” (in line with the oil sector); Experts confirmed the target price of 14 euros.