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You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Bookcity Milano also has many meetings dedicated to climate and science

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Literature enriches our knowledge of the world, knowledge of self and others, and develops and activates our cognitive functions such as memory, attention, concentration, reasoning and critical thinking. Works based on the values ​​of the word and entrusted with writing help us to understand, deepen, think and reflect. For these reasons, books are indispensable tools for reflecting on complex issues. In times like the one we live in, with complex crises and challenges, books with public discussion can be helpful for citizens to become conscious actors of necessary change towards a sustainable society and development.

Diverse program forEleventh edition of BookCity Milan which comes to life from November 16 to 20, 2022. BookCity is an event dedicated to books and reading that takes place every year in Milan, and the theme chosen for the 2022 edition is “Hybrid Life”, a theme born out of contemporary complexity, to give voice and space to all that is hybrid, without A useless claim to define, but with the curiosity to explore.

Melania Mazzocco – Photo: IconaClima

On this subject, the opening night at the Teatro Dal Verme in Milan saw the participation of the writer Melanie MazzoccoStrega Prize 2003 with the novel Vita —with an unpublished monologue entitled Hybrida, in which he stated how in nature there are countless instances of hybrid organisms, sometimes stronger and more resistant to adversity than others, and how to distinguish the hybrid has always been the work of the dullness of man.

The title chosen for the opening night of the eleventh edition is Check out the human soulan event that saw the unusual participation of the Norwegian writer Karl of KnausgaardOne of the most important voices on the contemporary European literary scene. On this occasion received the Norwegian writer City ring From Mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala. Knausgaard had a conversation with the writer and literary critic Emmanuel TreviThe Witch Award 2021 thanks to the book Hayatan – A two-way exchange of literature and the importance of the novel as a tool for approaching life and its complexity through the characters of the narration.

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In this edition they will be present Two specific courses aimed at investigating the complexity of the climate crisis and the importance of scientific knowledge.

Does Greta’s dream end in Kyiv? Divided Telmo Bifani – Professor of Philosophy of Biological Sciences at the University of Padua – is a review of meetings and dialogues for survival On the complex and conflicting connection between the war in Ukraine and the climate crisis.

Thursday 17 November at the Corriere della Sera Foundation opens in the afternoon at 15.00 with meeting After the war: Accelerate or slow down the ecological transition?Together with Silvia Francescone, expert in international environmental law, Nicola Armaroli, chemist and director of research at the CNR National Research Council, and Eduardo Borgomio, honorary research associate at the University of Oxford post-doctoral in hydrology.
At 16.30 the science journalist Elisabetta Tola presents Why are you so late? Why so slow? Speak with some of the reasons for delaying the fight against climate change Stephen Kecereni, professor at Milan Polytechnic; Follows a dialogue between Elisabetta Tola and Antonello Pasini, CNR scientist and climate change expert. next Weather changes war, war changes weather, Lecturer Elisa Palzzi, Professor of Physics at the University of Turin, holds a PhD in Physical Modeling of Environmental Protection.
At 18.00 the thematic itinerary ends with At what point did Greta dream?the dialogue between the Curator of the Review, Telmo Bifani, and Professor of English and Postcolonial Literature at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Shaul Passi, Director of the Venice Center for the Humanities and Social Change.

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Words of healing It is a course conceived and edited by journalist and essayist Eliana Liottawhich will be held on Sunday, November 20 at Leonardo da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology In the Sala del Cenacolo, to spend the afternoon dedicated to four keywords: Trust, science, future and inclusion With meetings and dialogues with personalities from the world of science and literature.
At 16.00 in the afternoon it opens with Science talkHer heroes are Isabella Bloom, translator of scientific texts by authors such as Oliver Sacks and Antonio Damasio, their most recent article Feeling and Knowing, published by Adelphi, and Giuseppe Remuzzi, physician and director of the Mario Negri Institute, author of the book When Doctors Make Mistakes, published by Laterza. To be continued, at 17.00, The A talk dedicated to the future. Interview with the poet, writer and director Franco Armeno, author of Atleti, published by HarperCollins, with Sergio Harari, Director of the Department of Pulmonology and Internal Medicine at San Giuseppe Multi Medica Hospital in Milan, co-author of the book Post Covid (Solferino), written jointly with the scientific journalist Vera Martinella, Corriere della Sera signature. Talk about confidence, a topic that will be addressed by Marco Annoni, philosopher, researcher in bioethics at CNR, coordinator of the Ethics Committee at the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, and editor of the book Vaccine Ethics (Donzelli); With Gianpaolo Donzelli, Professor of Pediatrics and Research Doctorate in Neonatology at the University of Florence, Editor of the La cura series for La Nave di Teseo, and Paolo Veronesi, Director of Breast Surgery at the IEO in Milan, Chair of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation and author of Victory over Cancer (Sonzogno). The time is 19.00 A concluding talk dedicated to inclusion: Enter Michela Mattioli, Director of the CNR Institute of Neurosciences, Professor of Pharmacology at Humanitas University and author of The Gift of the Brain (Sonzogno), and Antonella Viola, Professor of General Pathology at the University of Padua, Scientific Director of the Pediatric Research Institute Città della Speranza and author of Sex is Everything Almost something (Feltrinelli).

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In addition to the two thematic itineraries, many other meetings dedicated to scientific knowledge will enliven the Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science and Technology and the Ulrico Hoepli Civic Planetarium. Among the works and guests present: The jokes that made science history Discovered and narrated by Vito Tartamella and Rocco Tanica, but also Universe explained in graphics With Astrogiulia, Emanuele Menietti, Barbascura X and Luca Perri the information, the documentary film dedicated to the information epidemic. Disclosure and topics with Nuclear: salvation or destruction? with Silvia Cunha Pellero and Dario Bressanini.

The closing event of BookCity Milano 2022 will take place at the National Museum of Science and Technology on Sunday 20 November at 20.00 and will be Hymn science and the value of scientific thought.Three great scientists will take turns on stage to provide a cross-sectional view of the focus of the edition: Hybrid life. Amalia Ercole Finzi, Italy’s first woman graduate in Aeronautical Engineering, Professor Emeritus, Chancellor of Milan Polytechnic, ASI, ESA and NASA, will take us into space, helping us to understand the infinite implications of what we learn on our lives. Climb there. Alberto Mantovani, immunologist, Academician of Lincei and President of the Humanitas Research Foundation, will help us understand the many relationships between health, the environment and medical research. Giorgio Meta, roboticist and artificial intelligence expert, scientific director of the Italian Institute of Technology, will accompany us into the future, talking about the links between artificial intelligence, technology and living organisms.

Discover the full programme: Program 2022.

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