Home Top News Alberta triggered by separation – L’Intro

Alberta triggered by separation – L’Intro

Alberta triggered by separation – L’Intro

There is no room for talk of freedom in the United States today alone.

When one examines the political situation in Canada, one can distinguish the relative stability of what is generally happening in the United States. Canada is often portrayed as the most degrading and socially stable version of America, and for this reason it has become the darling of American progressives. In 2016, in the wake of former President Donald Trump’s victory, some American celebrities speculated about going to Canada. It should be noted, however, that the conventional view we have of foreigners can be very misleading.

The last few days have been very lively in Canada. The controversy erupted following the discovery of Native mass graves near the old sites of four Canadian Indian boarding schools in the provinces of Manitoba, British Columbia and Saskatchewan. Despite growing evidence that these findings did not confirm any genocide perpetrated by Canadian tribes, the far left quickly used it to burn churches and demolish monuments to some of the most famous figures in all history. Canada.

The Canadian government’s slow response to this wave of violence has reminded many Canadians that Ottawa’s leaders are not in agreement with right – wing voters in Canada’s western provinces. The latest wave of left-wing iconoclasm is likely to add fuel to the separatist fire that has long been burning in the Canadian grasslands..

The growing dissatisfaction of the Canadian grassroots with the federal government
Traditionally, Canadian separatism has been associated with political movements in the French-speaking province of Quebec.Those who want to break away from English-speaking Canada and build their own nation. However some parts of English speaking CanadaAnd Especially Alberta, They do not like Ottawa and its progressive cultural vision.

Located between British Columbia and Saskatchewan, bordering Montana to the south, Alberta experienced a sensationWestern alienationConsiders itself excluded from the political debate, which is largely dominated by the central provinces of Ontario and Quebec.

Since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took office in 2015, Canadian right-wing political groups They were very polarized and took a hostile attitude towards traditional arrangements Today they are beating, In Alberta, The idea of ​​freedom. This conflict has a cultural and economic component.

Among the grassland provinces, Alberta is characterized by its sense of independence. In his correspondence with me, Ferguson Hodgson, director of the EconAmericas organization and an expert on internal political affairs in Canada, repeatedly stressed this. Significant cultural and ideological differences in Alberta compared to the more populous and cosmopolitan Ontario and Quebec.

Hodgson pointed out that there is one Characteristic culture, With strong individuality, This is not very different from the American states in the western highlands of Alberta: Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. On the contrary, ‘Laurentian’ Canada (Ontario and Quebec) fully embraces the prevailing tendencies in the metropolitan areas of the entire West to be politically correct. For the fashionable leftists of Laurentian Canada, Alberta is a backward province that is not adequately integrated with the politically correct new sense. To achieve this global goal, the Canadian government will probably need to undertake more therapeutic interventions that can ‘fix’ the shortcomings of Alberta’s denying citizens.

The polarizing nature of Canadian energy policy
In terms of energy economy, Benefits of Alberta and Ottawa (Capital of Canada) They cannot be far away. The green energy craze is strong in the big north and has slightly angered Canadians in the grasslands, Those who depend on the natural gas industry for their livelihood. According to Canadian government data,Alberta produces 71% of the natural gas traded in Canada. It is worth remembering that Canada has the third largest oil reserves in the world, mainly concentrated in the Alberta and Saskatchewan oil sands.

Energy policy tensions between the Canadian federal government and its western provinces are deeply rooted.. Above ‘World Political Criticism‘, Grand With In the early 1980s, Justin Trudeau’s father – then – Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau – explored in detail how Ottawa and the western Canadian states clashed on several occasions when he set up a national energy plan to reduce energy costs for Canadian consumers. Provide a reliable energy base for Canada’s industrial sectors and redistribute oil industry revenues in favor of the country’s poorest provinces. The latter part of the plan angered the Western Provinces, which saw Ottawa seize economic and political power (even if it included their economic and political weakness).

Tensions between Ottawa and Alberta have not disappeared
In light of their conflicting interests, Going to a confrontation between Alberta and Ottawa is inevitable. There is tension between Ottawa and AlbertaPeaks in 2019, When he was chief of Alberta, Jason Kennedy, He presented his proposal for a working group to discuss the situation in which the Western Province plays a very important role in managing the pension scheme., Police and public spending, Thus creating a greater distance between himself and Ottawa. Kennedy is not a supporter of secession, but his proposal that Alberta gain more autonomy in managing its internal affairs is part of a broader sense of dissatisfaction with the federal government: a very strong distance from the grassroots and a sense of alienation. Provinces.

Current administrationLed by Trudeau, It continued to undermine economic relations between Ottawa and the Western Provinces. In an article published in ‘Mises.org‘, As Andrew Alison notes, “Trudeau’s veto on the Northern Gateway Pipeline, his plan to ban disposable plastics and the introduction of the carbon tax” were all choices that caused Alberta residents more than a headache. Nor can we observe the federal government’s harsh closures in the case of Govt-19: it undoubtedly contributed to the polarization of Canadian politics, while small businesses were forced to close their doors, which the working class must now endure. Anxiety caused by unemployment. The Ottawa ruling class, like all the ruling classes in those imperialist centers, is very segregated from their suburbs and believes that other Canadians know what is best for them, regardless of the costs associated with their political choices.

In addition to political activities that economically damage the citizens of Ottawa Alberta, It should be added that the current Canadian regime is certainly not an example of defending civil rights. At the moment, the Canadian government is enforcing an online hate law that is always filled with the usual nebulous criteria that come with reactions to ‘hate speech’: a concept that emerges daily to add to any communication that embarrasses the political class. This is not surprising, given the intervention of the Canadian federal government and its hostility to the western provinces’ natural gas industry. The citizens of Alberta see the Ottawa government as an occupation that does not take their local needs seriously..
The people of Alberta began to see the economic and social costs of the political environment they saw, and realized that they had little in common with the Canadian regime., Which is defined in its present form. Based on all these things, there are many good reasons for them to be angry. The stimulus proposal to secede from the rest of Canada does not appear to have been taken so farThe social and economic costs associated with remaining in the current union were carefully weighed.

What do the public think about the hypothesis of secession from Canada? A survey from May 2020Northwest conducted research 41% of respondents were in favor of an independent referendumAt the same time The 50% would be against it And 9% will remain undecided. WhenIn the short term the people of Alberta may not be ready to make the leap towards freedom, There is such a feeling and will definitely strengthen over time.

[La versione originale, in lingua inglese, di questo articolo è apparsa sul sito del Mises Institite in data 26 luglio 2021: ‘Canada’s Left Is Pushing Some Albertans To See the Benefits of Secession‘]

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