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Wine, which is the 115 most important wineries and large companies that dominate the market

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Upward trend despite difficulties

2022 has started very well. Far beyond the best expectations of many operators. And at the end of the first quarter, exports are also growing: more than 12.6%, equivalent to 2.3 billion. Too bad the slowdown in wine orders registered by the Italian Wine Association starting in April. Taking into account also the problem of inflation, high costs of raw materials and difficulties in finding employment, it is realistic to generally assume lower margins for the wine market. But Italian winemakers are strong, resilient and always optimistic, as they have shown during the pandemic. And so they aim to repeat last year’s trend of surprises and above-average results. What is also evident from the exclusive arrangement of the 115 major Italian wineries. A large sample of the national wine industry which accounts for 55.6% of the total sector sales calculated by Uiv Observatory, 65.36% of exports and 46.2% of domestic sales. In general, the 73 private wineries and 42 cooperatives that are in the 2021 classification recorded a sales volume of just over 8 billion, with 4.6 billion and 3.4 billion exported in batches in the domestic market, with an increase of 18.31% over the total sales and export volume . By 20.86%, development in Italy is 15.02%.

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